By health nature Fresh Researcher Sue Visser 8th Feb 2018
Zulaikha chats to Sue Visser on about hormones.
Q ) What is a hormone?
A) A messenger, to make the body perform certain tasks like increase cell division, panic, got to sleep and so on.
Q )How do males and females differ?
A ) Genetically the chromosomes differ with xx being female and xy is the male. So they are set up with different hormone ratios, although both males and females make oestrogens, both types of testosterone and progesterone.
Q ) Why don’t men get hot flushes?
A ) Because they don’t have eggs! When the egg releasing cycle ends, the body heats up to try and release what is no longer there, hoping to increase levels of oestrogen and progesterone.
Q ) How do birth control pills work?
A ) The most popular ones provide excessive levels of oestrogen or progesterone, so the body fails to ovulate.
Q ) Why do some young women suffer with menstrual problems, infertility, weight gain, ovarian cysts, hair falling out, and unwanted beard growth?
A ) Dihydrotestosterone ( sometimes called DHT) is an important sex steroid that is produced by both men and women. It is specifically aimed at turning boys into men during puberty and has no other real purpose. It is made out of testosterone and if the 5 alpha reductase enzyme is out of kilter, it can cause females to suffer from a cluster of symptoms called PCOS – The polycystic ovarian syndrome.
Q ) How can such women be treated without giving them hormones?
A ) We have a protocol that binds, traps and inhibits the DHT. It involves, hormone balancers like Chasteberry and fresh pumpkin seeds. They contain beta-sitosterol. Diet is important to deal with insulin resistance.
Q ) Sue, many women are using your sweet potato technique. What is it and how does it work?
A ) The fresh juice of the red-skinned sweet potato contains molecules that serve as a progesterone precursor. They help the body to release progesterone. They are not hormones. The juice; when absorbed into the bloodstream via the mouth from a fresh sweet potato or the tincture form activates the pituitary gland. It just somehow works!
Q ) Do you have a similar procedure for men, to increase testosterone?
A ) Yes, definitely and not by introducing hormones. In this case, the juice from the thorny weed called “Dubbeltjie doring” (Tribulus Terrestris or Gokshura) serves as the precursor for testosterone. The results are rapid – a few days.
Q ) Diabetes control relies on insulin function. Do we need to take more insulin?
A ) Insulin may still be present, but it loses its sensitivity. This is due to a magnesium deficiency, not a medication deficiency. Usually a change in diet works and all naturopaths insist that exercise is the best medicine.
Q ) Why do people take cortisone?
A ) To suppress the immune system. Strange, when we are all trying to boost our immunity, but in some cases the immune system over reacts and causes inflammation, swelling and pain, especially if there has been an injury or allergies are present. For organ transplants, the immune system needs to be calmed down or the foreign tissue will be attacked.
Q ) What are the side effects of taking cortisone?
A ) Weight gain, swelling, water retention
Q ) Is it safe to take sleeping pills continuously?
A ) Often we have a melatonin deficiency, a hormone that depends on darkness. Melatonin supplements will work if this is the case, otherwise it could be that we are full of adrenalin, another hormone that makes us angry or excited. There are good natural remedies, like combinations of valerian, hops and passiflora. Taking GABA is also good as this amino acid calms down the over excited neurons. So does magnesium – the ultimate chill pill.
Q ) Should we take thyroid hormones or first try a natural protocol?
A ) Blood tests usually come back as normal, but if you are feeling tired with dry hair (falling out) and very dry skin, putting on weight and getting moody it may be a lack of thyroid hormone activity because blood tests don’t tell us much. There are many causes and iodine supplementation is important, even if the thyroid is overactive. I have provided more detailed information in the reference section.
Click on these links to find more references, resorurces and information:
1 for all the articles about hormones For help with PCOS
2 4 hormone balancers
3 parabens are not hormones
4 for more products