Infertility: Causes And Corrections
By Health Researcher Sue Visser. Background information for 1 hour interview on CII radio international.
July 2010 *Indicates further articles for more information that are available by the same author.
It’s not fair: some people conceive a few days after not taking birth control pills.
Many children are born to mothers after only one encounter when failing to take contraceptive hormones. It depends on the type of hormones. In the case of constant exposure to some forms of oestrogen and progesterone it fools the body that it is pregnant so it does not ovulate. In some cases even menstruation stops and this is why the uterus is fully lined and ready for babies! All it needs is a short drop in progesterone back to normal and ovulation begins. We all know about little “accidents.” The younger the mother, the more fertile she is, but not always.
Why then, after an unplanned conception does an intended pregnancy fail?
First it will depend on the progesterone status. Natural progesterone behaves differently to synthetic birth control hormones. Often it takes many years for a build-up of birth control hormones to clear. Foreign hormones that are badly put together can have antagonistic effects on other hormones. Many of the ladies know this from an increase of testosterone as a stimulus to PCOS, the polycystic ovarian syndrome. At this stage conception may be impeded by cysts that form on ovaries and even strangle fallopian tubes.
Correcting the hormonal problems.
Have the hormone ratios tested. Ask for a 24 hour urine analysis. This saves a lot of time and boosting your own progesterone can be done with herbal tinctures like Chasteberry or Sweet Potato. A later test will show you how well this works! If PCOS is present it may only show up during an ultrasound scan. Symptoms like: acne, facial and neck cysts, insulin resistance, facial hair, moodiness or balding are not always evident. If urine analysis shows DHT (dihydrotestosterone) this has to change or you will not conceive. *My PCOS protocol recommends large doses of Chasteberry and the juice made from ½ cup fresh pumpkin seeds every day. Some patients’ cysts have visibly shrunk with this method and chocolate cysts were expelled during menstruation. Many ladies manage to conceive with just an extra boost of progesterone. Once pregnant, make sure levels are maintained or topped up to sustain pregnancy. Have progesterone levels monitored. *Endometriosis is not a dead end. Many cases are treatable and only 30% may cause infertility.
Next comes the Dad : at a more youthful, relaxed and virile stage of his life he could populate the whole world. But not so when the ravages of stress, malnutrition and infections have caused two things to happen:
1 Poor sperm quality, either in numbers or damaged sperm that can’t swim properly.
2 A drop in testosterone. Add to this the fact that eating a lot of sugar, say a slab of chocolate prior to a baby making attempt will drop testosterone down to a useless level.
What causes testosterone to decline in would-be fathers?
An enzyme called aromatase converts testosterone into oestrogen. Yes, this is how oestrogen is made in both men, and especially post-menopausal women! Men who take a lot of testosterone jabs or body building supplements often get fat and even develop more breast tissue. Their gruff voices become higher and moods begin to swing. Blame it on the aromatisation process and it is easily activated by carbohydrates and excessive sugars that flood the liver at the same time as testosterone arrives. Ironically he-man becomes a she-devil!
Correcting Dad’s problems.
1 Sperm improves with vitamin C and zinc supplementation. Antioxidants, a good multivitamin and a diet that excludes foods not compatible with your blood type help the blood to flow freely and make active sperm.
2 Testosterone needs to be controlled. If aromatisation into oestrogen is a problem then take Chrysin, a blocker made from passiflora that helps to keep testosterone in tact.
According to your research, what is the most common obstacle to fertility?
That’s easy! Our modern world is so full of toxins like mercury. Amalgam fillings are a major fertility inhibitor in both males and females. This is why having fillings replaced with safer materials helps to bring babies into this world. Hulda Regher Clark believed it was so effective she told the patients to make sure they prevented accidental pregnancies after treatment. It is important to have amalgam removal done by a “green” mercury safe dentist to avoid its exposure and systemic detoxification is also needed. It can be costly but it improves many other health problems. **However, a home treatment can do everybody a lot of good. You can make fresh green juice with cilantro (coriander/dhania) and parsley every morning, take chlorella tablets, eat apples to bind the toxins and excrete them at night when they are mopped up by your bedtime calcium and magnesium supplements. People get very frisky after this!
What is a general problem that couples have?
Parasites and microbes, including the unmentionable: STD’s. Sorry to say. Couples intending to start a family can save a lot of time and heartache by first investigating any possibility of such infections that may be present. A discreet visit to a UG (urogenital clinic) at a hospital can give you peace of mind. At government institutions, treatment is usually free and consists mostly of antibiotics. ****Compensate with probiotics after the treatment to prevent Candidiasis.
Some infections, if left untreated can cause PID or pelvic inflammatory disease and infertility. Other diseases affect the health and growth of the unborn child. Although many parasitic infections are hidden and do not cause discomfort, some cause tell-tale odours, irritations, discharges, fevers and rashes. Do not take chances. Please do not jump to conclusions about partners or make judgements. Today we are more prone to parasites than ever before, due to our exposure to toxins, heavy metals and volatile chemicals. ***Parasites affect many diseases including cancer, heart problems, diabetes, etc. and some lessen your chances to conceive.
Only qualified medical practitioners are allowed to treat STD’s. The use of the SCIO or BEST systems can identify microbes and parasites and help to clear up associated conditions. They may also shed some light on other conditions that are linked to conception problems like ****gluten intolerance, malnutrition, etc. The use of herbs, zapping and Rife treatment can help to shrink the parasite load all round.
Are there any other hints you can give?
Condoms, although scoffed at, protect partners from most infections as well as unwanted pregnancies. They are free of charge and do not cause hormonal disruptions. Use them during parasite treatments or heavy metal detoxification if you plan to conceive in the near future. When the time is right, when you have corrected the problems, cleared the obstacles and really mean it, do not give up if results are not immediately achieved. Some babies really take their time – often years and years. Be patient, trusting and build a beautiful relationship with each other. Settle down. I have been involved in helping babies to be conceived in many places around the world. Sometimes all it takes is a small adjustment. But which one?
Is there a special recipe for making babies?
Nothing. No, in every case it depends on the specific problems. Sometimes it is just one small thing that makes the difference. In a span of over 12 years, I have seen many things work, or not. Some get it right straight away, others don’t. I pray for these people. I would love to share some of my stories with you:
I spoke about Chasteberry tincture often, on the radio. To help people remember the other name, Agnus Castus, I would say:”Agnus CACTUS” as a joke. Years later, a Malay woman told me her sister fell pregnant after taking it. Even her second child was an :”Agnus CACTUS”. I advise raw sweet potato to help ladies boost their own endogenous levels of progesterone. A lady in the Northern Cape began chewing on her “patat”. For many months she longed for her own little “patat”.
She chewed a little bit every day, so it would absorb under the tongue, as I kept on telling her to do. A year later I received an e-mail from her, to say that little “patat” is now growing in her tummy! MEGAMAX, is the baby of a 42 year-old lady who took our capsules after giving up trying for a baby for 10 years. Then there is little Black Cohosh, born to a pre-menopausal mother of 40 when she took this remedy for her hot flushes! Red clover came to a mother with oestrogen imbalances. But mostly; the young mothers who have menstrual difficulty or who took the pill come right with Chasteberry or “Agnus CACTUS”.
Further reading material written by Sue Visser. This is available on the Zip file called INFERTILITY.
* PCOS protocol. Endometriosis.
** Heavy metal Poisoning. (Natural Health Magazine.)
*** Parasites and What to do about them. (Vibrations Magazine)
**** Probiotics on the menu. Sauerkraut Recipe. Candidiasis. About Gluten Intolerance (Nat Health)