Fruit And Veg Healing Diet
This healing diet is free. You don’t have to buy any expensive products. It is easy to do and the results are excellent!
Dear Sick ‘n Tired, Fed Up and Fat,
1 Food is intended to nourish the body and supply over 90 nutrients to its billions of cells on a continuous basis. Yet we try to get love, comfort, energy and security out of our food and we fail because they are not there. Eat the correct foods to nourish your body and keep it healthy.
If you seek love and comfort, give it to others in order to receive it yourself. If you seek energy, cut out all the refined sugars and starches and replace them with natural fruits. This is the easiest way to get the energy and happiness you so desperately need. Sick people constantly demand energy and love from the people around them. The solution is simple: clean out all the muck, get rid of parasites and pathogens, eat simple nutritious foods and seek to love and serve other people instead.
2 As soon as your system has cleared itself of all the acidic muck that has accumulated in your bowels you will not have to eat compulsively all day without ever being satisfied. You will then be able to have instant access to the nutrients that are provided from a piece of fruit. Fruit is digested within a few minutes and no demands are made upon your insulin levels. Adult diabetes usually results from an overworked pancreas, a resultant loss of insulin sensitivity and an excess of sugars and starches. Most heart and circulatory disorders have the same dietary cause, as insulin converts the glucose from these foods into triglycerides, known as low density cholesterol: the bad kind!
With high blood pressure, salt is not the culprit: it’s an imbalance of sodium to potassium and a lack of essential fatty acids, the kinds that should be coming from natural food sources. Allergies, aches and pains, joint problems and candida also arise from eating denatured sugars and starches as the resultant acidity is an open invitation for all manner of parasites and pathogens to invade the body and cause swelling ,inflammation, indigestion, bloating and major discomfort that you can’t stop complaining about.
3 When you stop dwelling on your illnesses and no longer drag everybody into agreement with how sick you are your condition may just spontaneously vanish. Try it: simply stop eating all the sugars and starches and start eating the foods suggested in this natural health plan. Return to the simple truth that the body is quite capable of healing itself. Do not interfere with this process with a continuous bombardment of toxic drugs and foods. Most diseases we have today are the result of faulty eating habits. We need to know what they are and how to reverse them. Most cases require intense detoxification, parasite cleansing and a new eating pattern that suits your unique constitution. This cannot happen overnight and it is not a lazy man’s job. However, it is your gateway to the new you.
4 Most sick people who eat so-called balanced diets with lots of carbohydrates and energy foods have smothered themselves in putrefying mucus and toxic waste products. Their bowels harbour between 4 – 10 kilos of muck that stays there for years, blocking up the energy systems of the body. No quick energy supplement can cure this kind of problem. Don’t complain of tiredness: it’s a symptom of you poisoning yourself by eating starches and sugars. They make you acidic, they attract parasites and they weaken your immune system. Fruit does just the opposite. It is the perfect energy food. It has additional healing and cleansing properties.
5 A constant hunger is usually for the wrong foods. Only simple, natural foods can really satisfy your nutritional needs. The simplest combinations work the best: just an apple for breakfast will help you to gain access to all the energy and nutrients you need from last night’s dinner. It will then help you to process and eliminate all the waste. Two hours later you may feel like another piece of fruit, until you have your lunchtime salads or vegetables. Believe it or not, you get much more vitality and energy from eating simple natural boring old fruit and leafy green vegetables. Fast on fruit in the morning, feast on salads at midday and eat vegetables moderately at dinnertime.
6 A carbohydrate craving results from eating glucose, white sugar, rice, starches and wheat that the body cannot recognise or assimilate, so you keep feeling as if you need more “energy”. Energy comes from a vital force that is present in every living cell, in the air we breathe, and the vital force that surrounds us all the time. This is the God energy, the breath of life, and it is not found in so-called energy foods. False energy foods rob us of the energy we need because they make heavy demands on our digestive system, our insulin and our immune system. That is why we call white sugars and starches our worst enemies. Do not expect anything to work for you until you eliminate them totally from your diet. Never ask me for advice it you eat these abominations: they make me deaf.
7 When you have fasted on fruit and leafy green vegetables and taken the appropriate steps I have recommended you will truly have: “helped yourself to health”. Keep it that way and share your success with others! Be suspicious of the “health, happiness and vitality” of people who go on a health kick and try to sell you expensive products. You have to go on a personal journey and get rid of your excess baggage by yourself. You got yourself into a mess, now use this free information to unfold the new you. I’m waiting for results!
Sue Visser
BEFORE YOU BEGIN: A WORD OF CAUTION: This information is not intended as medical diagnosis or treatment.. Please consult an appropriate health practitioner for advice if you have a medical problem, as we are not in a position to do so. We merely provide nutritional guidelines that you can learn to establish a suitable eating plan for good results.
It is your responsibility to let your doctor know if you wish to adjust your current medications. Please check up on any potential drug reactions and intolerances you may have to any of the herbs and spices and fresh fruit and vegetables. It is best to consult a health professional that can help you monitor your progress, should you need allergy testing, your blood group identified or advice on supplementation, herbal & homeopathic remedies or medications.
The free blood group diets on the website at : will indicate the groups of foods that best suit your blood group but it is only a rough guide. It is better to test foods individually yourself by dowsing, using the muscle tolerance test or ask a Kinesiologist or Practitioner who can test you for food or medicine allergies on the spot. Some of our most popular “health” foods may even be causing your health problems in the first place!
Diabetics, especially bad cases must monitor their blood sugar levels very carefully. When you no longer consume foods that require insulin. Check your regular medication as any extra insulin can cause severe hypoglycemia.
High blood pressure: potassium, magnesium and omega oils from natural sources like vegetables help to regulate high blood pressure, so diuretics and medications may need adjustment after a few days.
Laxatives should be discouraged so the bowels can begin to function regularly. If not, the natural rhythm of the bowels, known as peristalsis cannot be restored and you will become chronically constipated and dependent on enemas & purgatives. Trust natural foods to clear away the daily load, it is so much more satisfying! Ask if it is OK for you to eat a cup of cooked spinach every day for intestinal cleansing. Please avoid bran as it robs you of calcium.
Blood thinning drugs like Warfarin have the same effect as Ginger, Gingko biloba and Olive leaves. Vitamin E also thins the blood. Do you still need the medication or will the natural substances be adequate? Check up.
Write down what you have chosen to do and eat every week and stick to the program. Measure and weigh yourself every week, because you will be very pleasantly surprised. List your complaints and watch them improve as you start to help the body to heal itself. Keep this progress report in a book, along with a healthy new shopping list. Don’t buy any more junk.
ALKALIZE YOURSELF: Drink a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda in water to start the day. Brush teeth with salt, bicarb & olive oil in a paste, chew it well before brushing. Put a few drops of 20-volume hydrogen peroxide in a glass of water. Use it to rinse your mouth out. Gargle and sip it during the day to help clean out the mucus.For bad lungs, steam over a boiling pot of: 1 litre water, 1 teaspoon bicarb & 1 tablespoon of peroxide for 10 minutes on low.
First exercise for 20 minutes, then only 1 kind of fruit and herb tea with honey from breakfast till midday.
Suitable fruits for the morning clean out are: watermelon, paw-paw, apples, pears, grapes, pineapple, strawberries, peaches, mangoes and all types of melons: even English cucumber – it’s one of the best gut sweepers we have. (Check with your blood group list for the fruit that suits your blood group, ie: O, A, B or AB ).
Do not eat anything but 1 kind of fruit. Eat as much of it as you feel the need to until you have a bowel movement. This may not happen the first day, but try to establish the habit. You can drink as much herb tea or hot water with a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and honey as you like in between the fruit. Stick with the fruit and liquids and do not eat until you excrete.
This will soon be a regular habit, done by midday! Try to do your morning exercises on an empty stomach, before you eat your fruit. If you have no time in the morning, get up half an hour earlier and do at least 20 minutes of hard jogging or aerobics to warm up the system and to wake up your sleepy body. Take no supplements: unless you really have to.
On this diet, we try to fast on fruit for as long as possible in the morning. This is because the body processes all your food during the night and in the morning the waste is ready to be expelled. We first have to answer the call of nature before reloading the system with more food. By eating a single fruit, this elimination is stimulated. Unlike other diets that recommend fruit salads, yogurt and muesli we just have a single type of fruit. This is the secret and it really works. You can have some more later on, but no changes in the type of fruit for at least two hours. You do not get hungry, as the body is still in fast mode and by cutting out milk, protein and starchy carbohydrates, the digestive system will not be alerted and set off the hunger pangs. Insulin stimulation is what makes you hungry and you begin to crave sugar, so we cut out all the starches and your appetite begins to adjust accordingly.
Do not worry about energy, kilojoules or carbo-loading.This diet is very different and it must be strictly adhered to at all times, especially this morning ritual. Especially when you go out with friends or are at work all day. This natural system holds the key to healing your body: to gaining power and energy and to getting rid of illness and disease, fat, cellulite, acne and the like. At times, you may feel a little weak and shaky. No problem, just learn to take a few really deep breaths of air, all the way down into your diaphragm. Your blood pressure and your wobbles will be rectified. This is a good cure for thinking you are weak or hungry, now go and do something very active. Eat more fruit. You can do it, so get on with it!
A delicious salad with plenty of olive oil, olives and fillers like: soya beans, squash, sweet potato or pumpkin.
At lunchtime we have a nice therapeutic meal, without anything fattening or harmful. We pile on generous quantities of raw ingredients to go into a delicious salad. Assemble the salad in a plastic container if you are not at home for lunch, and take the dressing in a separate bottle. Highly recommended for stripping out mucus, acidity and toxins are: lettuce, cucumber, leeks olives and tomato (no surprise). Jazz it up with bits of fruit, onions, herbs and any green stuff.
A nice dressing: olive or canola oil, lemon juice, herbs, and herb salt, sunflower, sesame and pumpkin seeds and a spoon of honey. Avoid black pepper as it lies around the gut for seven years and could be the main culprit in cases of colic, flatulence, spastic colon and many other mysterious ailments. If you have trouble with gas when you eat so much rabbit food, do like the Chinese and use MSG ( the natural monosodium glutamate that comes from soya beans) on your veggies and salads. Here it has a bad name, but the Chinese are not a flatulent bunch and they eat loads of greenery every day.
No more sugar. No more white flour products, especially: no more bread, biscuits, cakes, muffins or cookies.
Substitutes: 100% rye bread, thinly sliced and toasted. Soy bean products and cooked sweet potatoes and brown rice – just a little as this diet is ideally starch free. If you really scream with hunger, go have some rye bread or chew a few almonds, sunflower seeds or soya nuts. Never chew nuts with fresh fruit, they say it’s very bad for this kind of diet.
Just fruit, and more fruit, salads and green leafy vegetables. The only alkalising legume is the humble soya bean. You can have it in various forms and more recipes are available on the Nature Fresh website.
Your body has a few years of old junk, toxins, pus and mucus to get rid of, so come clean and stick with fruit in the morning, salads at midday and leafy vegetables at night. You can pad out with cooked sweet potatoes, all kinds of squash and pumpkin and a little brown rice and rice crackers.
Reduce your brown bread intake, if you eat a lot of bread.
Add green, leafy vegetables to the evening meal. Cut back on the starches.
Eat olives when you get hungry between meals. No more sweet snacks.
Eating foods that do not agree with you results in discomfort, indigestion, and a lot of gas. Most people are not able to digest rabbit food or monkey food after dark. It is one thing to condemn meat and animal products, and another to eat a pile of raw cellulose and sugar with tummy fillers like pasta, white bread and cakes, milkshakes, ice cream and dessert. These substances, especially when washed down with copious glasses of water, cause instant fermentation.
If your constitution is acidic to begin with, no alcohol is required, as you will have plenty of it forming inside your digestive tract! The resultant gasses have to escape and suddenly people do not want to be too close to you. The next day you are rewarded with gut rot or days or writhing, discomfort or constipation. Usually you have a bout of heartburn, gurgling acidity and burping. Or you get what I call a whiplash attack of gut wrenching colic. Usually, on reflection, you will be able to identify the common culprits:
Be cautious when you eat in a restaurant. Things like fruit salad, prawn cocktails in mayonnaise, fruit juices that are not fresh or pure, salads that are harbouring pesticides and parasites, complex combinations of salads, gourmet dishes, old fatty fried foods and killer desserts.
Any fruit, vegetable, meat, starch or condiment that you are intolerant to. Even things like black pepper, tomatoes, oranges, raw cabbage, peanuts and the list goes on and on. It is best to check out your sensitivities using the blood group diets as a guideline or visit a kinesiologist or go for an elecrtodermal, QX or allergy test. You can learn to dowse yourself with a pendulum to see if you can tolerate any food or medicine before taking it. Some of these intolerances can go on for years and you may be blaming the wrong culprits.
If you have the following symptoms, then you are making a few slips that my need a little fine-tuning:
1 Weight gain, sugar cravings, fatigue, anaemia, bad moods, depression, white patches on the skin, gas and bloating: Vitamin B12 deficiency. Often as a subsequent effect of low-grade stomach acid: this causes many diseases including: fymbomyalgia, arthritis, osteoporosis, heartburn, reflux acidity and parasite infestations.
2 Gas, colic, pain in the gut with bloating, the candida syndrome: B 12 and sensitivity to fruit and salad combinations, too much sugar in the system or eating raw food after sunset. Some people will react like this to sprouts that have become too old and are very green and fibrous because they release a lot more nitrogen. Some people do not cook their legumes correctly and this can also produce gas and abdominal discomfort. Some people are seriously allergic to black pepper. Try Mag Phos D6 and Fennel, cumin or aniseed to deal with serious discomfort. Identify the trouble makers. Too much potassium from fibrous greens needs to be balanced with monosodium glutamate – just ask the Chinese. It is a natural substance, found in soya beans, potatoes, grapes, tomatoes and most animal products. You may think you know better, but if you have gas, try some Zeal on your meal, especially the green stir-fried veggies.
3 Frequent colds. Human beings are resistant to colds, but the combination of parasites, exposure to an adenovirus and a simultaneous intake of moulds is what produces the colds. This is why vitamin C is so effective as it destroys moulds in foods. Be a step ahead and add Vitamin C to your foods: especially old cheeses, bread, festering melons and grapes. Olive leaf supplements eliminate viruses and moulds. Larger parasites are wiped out with pumpkin seed juice, made fresh every day. Try it next time. If your system is clogged up with acidic waste and you have a vegetarian sweet and starch craving, parasites will thrive in you. You may be against killing them, it’s your choice.
4 Constipation: Bad timing, too many laxatives, too many colonics, enemas and irrigations. The bowel is quite capable of clearing out the night waste. Give it time, stop taking things. Just eat fruit, 1 kind of fruit like papaw. Then relax. Have a cup of tea and wait. If nothing happens, relax, eat another piece of fruit. At midday start on all the salads or stir-fries and use at least a tablespoon of olive oil for the preparation. No white flour and watch out for bran and wholewheat bread as it can form gas, fermentation and irritate the gut lining. The best intestinal broom is to eat half a bunch of cooked spinach every day, with fried onions, olive oil and herb seasonings. 1 tablespoon of crude black molasses is a good potassium supplement. It takes about 3 days to become effective every day. You may need a repeat dose by midday. This will give you a lot more zest for life, once you have shed your load.
5 Diarrhoea and weight loss: You are definitely eating foods you are allergic to. For instance: wheat, sugar, possibly milk or fruit and vegetables that do not suit you. You could have a bad gut infection like shigellosis, from eating foods that may have been contaminated. Best cure is 1 teaspoon of honey with 1/2t cinnamon, 1/4t cloves, 1/2t turmeric and 1/2t fennel powder. Very good for gas and foul flatulence as well.
6 Persistent weight gain, menstrual irregularities, uterine fibroids, hot flushes. Many vegetarian diets contain a lot of herbs and leguminous plants that contain phytoestrogens. These can have an anabolic effect on the body, causing it to keep expanding and the thyroid gland becomes inactive from a lot of estrogens. Uterine fibroids develop. The natural solution is to chew a few slices of raw red sweet potato to stimulate the release of more progesterone. The most common offenders are: fennel, sage, alfalfa, lentils, soya and whole wheat bread. Stimulate the thyroid with kelp supplements. A drop of aqueous iodine on each kelp tablet makes this more effective.
7 Sugar cravings, a desire for something sweet after every meal. Your body is displaying nutrient deficiencies, especially chrome and vanadium. You may need supplements. Try adding raw guava leaves to your juices. Try chewing sunflower or pumpkin seeds or some cheese when you have the craving. Have a few raisins with them or a date until you balance out again. Often too much salad and fruit makes one feel a little empty and deprived.
8 Black bags under the eyes: a lack of oxygen in the capillaries, due to poor circulation, a build up of toxins, allergies from eating unsuitable foods or anaemia. Eat a lot of parsley every day and at least one tablespoon of crude molasses.
Your kitchen is the best pharmacy in the world. In order to take and prescribe medicines from it, all you have to do is get familiar with how to use all the herbs and spices you already have and then learn how to take them in such a way that they become as effective as a prescription medicine. The good news is that you will then be using a completely natural substance, you will seldom have any harmful of uncomfortable side effects and you will save a lot of money.
Foods, herbs and spices from the kitchen have profound medicinal effects, but they have to be used with discretion. In fact, the restrictions and warnings detailed on the package insert you receive with a prescription medication or scheduled herbal remedy also apply to the food and seasonings you eat every day. A home remedy may have cured your friend of a life long disease, but you can do a lot of harm if the ingredients do not suit you. The new pharmaceutical regulations aim at preventing us from diagnosing or treating any health condition by ourselves. Even if you are thirsty and you drink a glass of water to “treat dehydration” in this way, you would thus be acting illegally.
Spices like ginger, nutmeg and cinnamon should ideally be dispensed by the pharmacy because they are not considered to be free of warnings and contra indications. If you overdose on nutmeg, you will die. Large amounts exceeding 1 teaspoon per day are considered to be hallucinatory. It causes the same delusions as some very harmful street drugs. Housewives in the old days became addicted to their nutmeg tea. Too much ginger thins the blood and it can cause serious complications during surgery or if you cut yourself. Fennel does just the opposite. It also boosts estrogen levels and relieves us of gas. Cinnamon is a powerful anti-diabetic drug. Doses exceeding ½ teaspoon can cause a very debilitating form of hypoglycaemia.
In fact, even water is not safe as it can kill you in many ways. Yet we are told to drink a few litres a day. All taps should thus carry the warning: Do not consume more than your kidneys are able to cope with at a single dose. Do not inhale this substance or you will drown. First filter before drinking it as levels of toxins such as fluoride and chlorine are not controlled. Recycled water often carries high levels of extra fluoride from toothpaste and an excess of estrogen from all the pills the ladies pass through their systems!
Before we reach for the salt and pepper, let us consider the following facts. Salt, so essential to the body, gets banned and discredited by most people because they do not understand its properties and the relationship between salt, water and potassium. Many diseases such as high blood pressure, constipation and adrenal fatigue have resulted from this misguided type of prejudice. Salt should be sold with a suitable package insert. When successively triturated or diluted and shaken, salt becomes one of the most powerful Homeopathic remedies we have. It gets dispensed as: NAT MUR, a fancy name for sodium chloride. You can make your own in the kitchen, very easily. You can buy this remedy at exorbitant prices and soon it will no longer be allowed to openly appear on the shelves of a health shop or pharmacy. Perhaps you can get it on medical aid! Pepper is a natural born killer in disguise. It lurks around your intestines for over seven years and can cause a lifetime of cramps and digestive discomfort. Where are the warnings, the side effects and contra indications?