Are you a heavy metal victim?
Persistent symptoms can baffle the brightest of brains if we don’t take heavy metal poisoning into consideration.
Exposure to mercury, lead, aluminium, nickel, cadmium and other toxic particles is a primary cause of most of our chronic diseases today. They invade our cells and tissues and react with hormones, nerves, cell receptors, our immune system, digestion and even our brain! Pathogens feed off some of the heavy metals and cause areas to become acidic, congested, infected and inflamed. Together, they pass through the placenta and blood-brain barrier and are out of control due to the damage done to the immune system along the way.
What are the most dangerous metals inside us?
The worst offender comes from our own amalgam fillings that contain mostly mercury. Even babies have become victims of Mom’s fillings. Removing them is important but we also need to deal with heavy metal residues inside the body or those that have invaded the food chain and the very air we breathe!
Vaccinations contain mercury – that’s a horror story of its own! Mercury is highly toxic and it comes out of our fillings because it reacts with the amalgam or is eroded by acidity in the mouth. On contact with bacteria methyl-mercury vapour develops and it is inhaled and swallowed. If this mobile mercury gets in contact with aluminium deposits the combination becomes 100x more lethal. A good reason not to use aluminium in any form: baking soda, deodorant, or kitchen items.
Lead comes from old water pipes, solder or paints. Brightly coloured ceramic glazes are made from lead, so do not use them for acidic foods. Nickel can rub off from jewellery. Nickel is a component of stainless steel and is also sensitive to acid. A lot of new batteries contain nickel and cadmium, so do not let children play with “nicad” batteries. Although most petrol these days is lead-free, the soil near busy roads is not. Lead particles are taken up by plants from soil or water that has been contaminated. As you can see, we have a lot of metal to steer clear of, but can we lessen the load we already have to carry?
All of these symptoms involve metal poisoning as an underlying factor:
An overall feeling of discomfort or fatigue. Aches and pains or chills that do not respond to remedies. (We call it fibromyaliga, chronic fatigue syndrome, low thyroid or hypochondria.)
A sluggish mental state of forgetfulness and confusion, apathy and often unjustifiable depression or heaviness. Mood swings or contrasting outbursts of anxiety and hyper/manic behaviour. Inability to focus or pay attention. (We call them slow learners, attention deficit, autistic, bipolar – old age dementia or Alzheimer’s but is it really the full package?) Lead, aluminium and mercury cross the blood brain barrier and it also builds up in the placenta.
Systemic acidity leading to kidney stones, arthritis and osteoporosis. Chronic infections such as breathing difficulties, skin rashes with pimples or pus-filled lesions, Candida and nail bed infections and an unusual loss of hair. Pills cannot cure the ills caused by basic poisoning.
Gastrointestinal complaints such as diarrhoea, constipation, bloating, gas, reflux, heartburn, leaky gut and indigestion regardless of antacids, digestive remedies, laxatives and suppositories. Microbial and parasitic infestations interact with metallic substances and even feed off them. This forms an acidic environment and displaces favourable gut-friendly organisms that are essential to a well programmed immune system.
Chemical sensitivity. Food allergies or intolerance that are not resolved by a restricted diet or supplements, 8 glasses of water a day or throwing out the chemical cleaners and solvents.
Spells of dizziness, migraines and/or headaches often with visual blurring or disturbance.
Nervous system defects – burning extremities, numbness, tingling or creepy sensations, tremors, jerks or shaking palsy and even paralysis.
Disturbances of the immune system, especially of the gut flora. The body attacks its own tissues of the joints, thyroid and adrenal glands, myelin sheaths or red blood corpuscles. Serious autoimmune conditions such as oral lichen planus, eczema, myelin sheath degeneration and multiple sclerosis(MS), lupus, thyroiditis, etc., are caused by excessive pro-inflammatory reactions. (Molds consume pantothenic acid that controls inflammation.)
A metallic taste in the mouth is a total give away as are: gum inflammation, tender teeth, mouth sores, stomatitis (from invasive bacteria), pre-cancers, bad breath, bleeding gums or a chronic throat irritation. Once amalgam is removed, these go away, along with most of the following: sinus problems, ear ringing, enlarged neck glands and spleen, headaches, dizziness, bloating and aching joints or muscles.
What can we do to lessen the load?
A dental cleanup is the obvious beginning. It is worth finding a holistically-oriented dentist to remove your metal safely and use non toxic alternatives. They can also offer excellent advice on chelation techniques. Avoid fluoride in oral hygiene products as it is toxic. Pay attention to preventing caries in the first place. Sadly, we should all have been doing that instead of accepting amalgam in the early days.
Chelation therapy can be done by a trained professional in cases where calcification of soft tissues is seriously affecting vascular function. (This is why we should take sufficient magnesium and vitamin B in the first place!)
Your homeopath can assist with remedies that form symptom pictures, based on these toxins. Vaccinations (containing mercury and often aluminium) that are having a harmful effect on babies: constant colds, ear infections, behavioural problems, etc may have to be antidoted. Homoeopathic treatment for ADD and ADHD, neural and mental disorders is worth considering especially with more evidence of metal poisoning forming the symptom picture.
There is something we can all do ourselves at home. Make this juice!
Heavy metal poisoning causes weight gain due to rT3 dominance (reverse thyroid or metabolic shutdown) with a low body temperature that does not respond to thyroid medications, so help yourself out of this dilemma. Try it and see how something wonderful comes over you as you free yourself from the drag of heavy metals.
This home procedure is safe to do for 3-4 days a week.
Do not overdo it, as the metals that are agitated by the coriander leaves must be chelated (bound) to chlorella (blue green algae) and other leaves rich in chlorophyll, magnesium and potassium like parsley and celery. The pectin in apples is important to keep the heavy metal gathered up and flowing down to the kidneys. All these substances combine to prevent contamination along the way.
Garlic protects the red and white cells of the blood whilst these toxins are being ushered out of the body.
At bedtime, it is essential to take calcium and magnesium, to complete the binding and excretion process. During the day it is important to drink a lot of water with a few teaspoons of lemon juice to keep the system alkaline. Try to eat as many apples as you can between meals and glasses of juice.
Metal detox juice recipe: (make 2 servings)
Add 1 cup of coriander leaves – plus the roots, 1 ½ cups of water with a chopped apple, ½ cup parsley and ½ cup celery into a blender and process all to a pulp. Strain through a piece of cloth.
1 Drink first Half of the juice.
2 A while later, take 10 chlorella tablets
3 Enjoy snacks of cottage cheese, walnuts or almonds, apple slices, garlic dips with…… parsley sprigs can be eaten whenever you feel like it. Drink water and lemon juice, but if you like your tea or coffee drink it at your discretion.
4 Mid-morning juice.
5 Lunch: a light meal with a lot of garlic. Drink water with ½ lemon squeezed in it, to stay alkaline.
6 Supper: lots of turnips, butternut, green vegetables, rice and fish or turkey.
7 Bedtime: 1 – 2 teaspoons of calcium and magnesium supplement in ½ glass water. These alkaline minerals help to prevent the newly released lead, mercury, nickel, etc from re-contaminating your soft tissues and skeletal system. Alkaline minerals bind to metal and other toxic particles and are then deposited into the toilet instead of into you.
Heavy metal: Dhania, otherwise known as cilantro or coriander is well-loved on curries and spicy foods. When eaten at a meal, these leaves are automatically a bile stimulant, and so aid digestion. (1) As a natural way to help remove heavy metals from our toxic systems, it is invaluable. It even crosses the blood-brain barrier as thus helps to repair mercury-based damage within brain cells. According to one study, it removed aluminium and lead from bone tissue faster than any of the other detoxifying drugs that were tested.
During the day you can take 4-5 chlorella tablets to help bind the loosened metal particles. You will be surprised as how well you feel, being set free from that “heavy metal” load for a while. It is essential that you do not allow your system to become acidic if your mouth contains amalgam fillings because particles and volatile fumes can leech out of the metal and into your bloodstream. At bedtime it is essential to take a calcium and magnesium supplement to complete the process.
Heavy metal: Parsley is the king, when it comes to purging both the liver and urinary system, being rich in chlorophyll. Sprigs of parsley when chewed make a good a breath deodorant, well-known as a chaser to garlic. It contains a lot of potassium and helps to alkalize the body. For therapeutic use, add a whole cup of parsley, including the stems to the fruit and vegetable juices you make. They add extra iron and trace elements and enzymes to the juice and ease up that water retention. You can also include dandelions and other edible leaves from the garden, or some spinach.
Heavy metal: Rich in chlorophyll, helps the particles to flush via the kidneys and eases water retention.
We ladies should chew the stalks instead of eating chocolate all day, but the dark green leaves or soup celery are best added to your daily juice with the parsley and coriander. Celery reduces the need for salt in food and is popular in stir fries, salads and just about every stew, soup and curry. Dark green celery leaves contain bergapten, a chemical that affects skin pigmentation. For people from a cold climate who come to a hot and sunny south Africa, it helps prevent red-hot sunburn and promotes a speedy and even tan – and a whole lot more? Aphrodisiac deluxe according to secret advice from a men’s health magazine. Celery exudes sexy pheromones that rev up the libido and primal instincts of man, they say. In juice is cleanses the kidneys, eases water retention and is a great source of alkalizing minerals.
Heavy metal: Garlic protects the blood from the effects of heavy metals, especially whilst they are being loosened and removed.
Other benefits: Many people believe in the heart-healthy and anti-microbial effects of garlic. One does not need to buy expensive garlic and parsley capsules to obtain these benefits. Research now indicates that garlic matured in an aqueous solution is hundreds of times more potent than plain old garlic cloves. In other words: in an empty glass jar, half-filled with water, chop up cloves of garlic till almost full. Keep it in the fridge and take 1 or 2 teaspoons of garlic water a day. Replace the water every time and your matured garlic will serve you well for months at a time.
It is also convenient to use for adding to your favourite dishes. Keep the fresh parsley handy to chew afterwards. Deodorize your fingers by rubbing with lemon peels.
Heavy metal: Apples can help release and excrete heavy metals from our tissues. It is a natural chelating (binding) agent for aluminium, lead, mercury, cadmium, nickel and many other toxins as well. These particles infiltrate our bodies via the environment, chemicals, foods, cosmetics and our amalgam fillings. Their effects impair our nervous system, our immunity, digestion, mental health, hormones and even our bones, muscles and reflexes.
Other: Apples can do more for ills than many pills, so it is wise to eat a few every day and to know just how they are helping you to: reduce cholesterol levels, fight cancerous tumours, help with blood sugar balancing and the elimination of heavy metals!
1 Tumour control: apple pectin and apple juice contain high levels of butyrate, a short-chain fatty acid that helps maintain healthy colon tissue and it inhibits enzymes that are required for tumours to develop. (1) They also contain caffeic acid (chlorogenic acid) that blocks other cancer formations and they provide the the antioxidant quercetin as well as vitamin C, E and folic acid.(3)
2 Pectin is a water soluble fibre found in apples and it helps to lower LDL (bad) cholesterol whilst raise HDL (good) cholesterol. This can be accompanied by a drop in blood pressure of at least 10% in bad cases after eating 3 apples a day between meals for 4 weeks. This effect is supported by the chrome in apples that is essential for insulin sensitivity. The better the insulin pumps sugar into cells, the lower the triclycerides (low density cholesterol.) The highest levels of chrome are found in apple skins. Sour and unripe apples contain more chrome and citric acid. Adding a few pinches of cinnamon to those apples will also boost the effect of insulin, so you may have to adjust your medication accordingly.Sour, green Granny Smith apples and most unripe fruits thus have a lower GI index than sweeter fruits because of higher cirtic acid and chrome levels. (2)
3 Apples are an essential part of detoxification protocols. Leslie Kenton’s two day apple fast will show you this. Eat as many apples as you like – but only apples.
Alkalize; Lemons are very sour, but have an alkalizing effect on the bloodstream. Do not sip the juice all day, as it can erode both your tooth enamel and your fillings. The white pith of lemons is rich in much needed vitamin K and is of great benefit to liver functioning. To get the most out of a lemon, add some slices to a glass of water. Sprinkle in a few grains of Himalayan salt. Give the lemon a squeeze and drink the water. Replace the water and the salt a few more times during the day as you drink it every 2 hours or so. The peel can then be chopped and mixed with a sprinkle of salt and eaten as a tasty relish with spicy foods, salads or snacks. Add leftovers of lemon peel to your daily juice and use lemon juice on salads and other foods. Rub it on the skin to fade blemishes
Resources and book lists
1 Townsend Letter october 2009 page 111, 59-66 (Eliminating neurotoxins). 102-104 (Naturopathic perspectives.)
2 Detox Now by Leslie Kenton ISBN 0-09-82582-2 Vermillion London
3 The Food Pharmacy by Jean Carper ISBN 0-671-71502-X Simon & Schuster Australia
4 Healthy Happy Eating by Sue Visser ISBN anderson Publishers
5 Herbal Drugs and Phytopharmaceuticals by Bisset and Wichl ISBN 3-88763-079-3 Medpharm scientific publishers.
6 Encyclopedia of medicinal plants by Andrew Chevallier. ISBN 0-7513-1209-06 Dorling Kindersley
Peer-reviewed medical study and medical lab documentation can be found at: