You do not begin a fight with your hands tied behind your back. Nor do you wear a blindfold or have your feet embedded in a concrete block. Yet we face AIDS, cancer, tuberculosis, colds and flu head on with weakened immune systems. We look to doctors and medicines for a cure, but they do not always succeed. How can we cure or defend ourselves from killer
” Hit first and hit so hard your opponent will not rise.” (quote: Vladimir Putin, the Russian President.)
Being caught off guard during a fight can result in black eyes, a blood nose, broken bones and concussion. Apart from the humiliation, boxers and martial artists usually survive to fight again. When you’re up against a virus or mutation that is invisible to the naked eye, the ultimate fight begins. It’s a fight to the death.
We can easily shake off a cold but how fit are we to deal with the real killers such as aids, tuberculosis or cancer? How humiliating it would be to die from a condition you could easily be preventing, right now. Aids is rapidly spreading throughout Africa, wiping out entire families, villages and towns. Many of our loved ones have died in battles lost to cancer and other diseases.
If we are knocked out by minor illnesses such as colds and flu, it means our inner defences are not up to scratch. When you can’t ward off blows from a Lightweight, how can you grapple with a Sumo Wrestler? You need a good strategy. You need tricks and tactics to outwit the enemy and you need to know the game plan. This also applies to your health. Once you understand a disease strategy, you have more control and can ward it off.
The first weapon against disease is: INFORMATION. Not just what you read every day, but the truth.
Examine the situation from all aspects and get second and third opinions from different sources.
The AIDS test is notoriously inaccurate. You may have been falsely diagnosed as being HIV positive. HIV = human immunodeficiency virus and AIDS = acquired immune deficiency syndrome. The fear of having such a condition is enough to depress and damage your immune system. It is impossible for a healthy person to be infected by any kind of virus, including this so-called Aids virus. You can’t acquire an “immune deficiency” if you have a strong immune system. However, we need healthy food and a very positive frame of mind to maintain such an efficient level of defence.
Products like mealie meal and white flour lose important nutrients in the refining process: fibre, vitamins, essential fatty acids, minerals and the waxy compounds known as sterols and sterolins. Medicines are now made from these “waste” products and used to treat aids. They are sold as expensive tablets and capsules and are used to strengthen the immune system. Meanwhile, the starch sold as putu pap and white bread becomes infected with toxic moulds, fungi, parasites and other microscopic organisms that directly attack and destroy your immune system. The poisons used to kill off these microorganisms also weaken the immune system.
The bottom line? Eat brown bread and yellow mealie meal or polenta. Say goodbye to cakes, biscuits and junky snacks. Spend your money on health foods, vitamins and minerals: if you are serious about your health.
Parasites such as liver flukes can carry mycotoxins, viruses and cancerous cells to all parts of the body. Do you really think that wearing a condom is going to prevent this? The HIV virus can only attack a weak immune system. Furthermore, the virus can easily pass through the condom as it is 70x smaller than a sperm cell. Nobody tells you to look after your bone marrow: where T-cells are made, or the thymus gland: where T-cells are programmed to destroy foreign attackers. We are not taught to protect these vital areas yet they are the key to our survival against foreign pathogens and viruses.
We need to understand how, when and where the enemy will strike
We are most vulnerable at the weak points : inadequate nutrition, our exposure to toxins and radiation and our negative or careless attitude towards health. Specialized cells called: phagocytes, T-lymphocytes, eosinophils, interferons and even natural killer (nk) cells constantly identify, destroy or remove: microbes, bacteria, viruses, parasites and genetically damaged material from your system. Antibodies are also produced and updated by the body, to defend you from harmful substances.
Excessive anger, doubt and fear may cause your internal defences to weaken because these negative emotions slow down the vibrational frequency at which these cells function. A bad diet and a deficiency of antioxidant vitamins also weakens them: helping to turn your best fighters into sick cells unable to protect the body. This leaves you at the mercy of a constant stream of: microscopic invaders, toxins and radiation that can initiate a series of killer diseases inside you.
Cancer develops from genetic damage within a cell, caused by exposure to radiation or toxins. We need antioxidants to protect us from this type of free radical damage as it can spread rapidly to other cells. When cells are incorrectly nourished, offending particles adhere to cell walls where they stick together, causing tumours. Specialized liver cells usually detect these early signs of cancer and destroy them. Parasites feed on this faulty material and plant it like cancerous seeds inside you where it thrives in areas that have a poor oxygen supply. A healthy liver is now being recognized as one of the major keys to preventing cancer. You may sleep with a gun under your pillow, but illness and disease can strike like a thief in the night. Are you prepared?
(1) Think more positive thoughts and avoid negative statements about your health: every cell in your body is listening. Learn to meditate: if every cell vibrates in harmony, you will have a perfectly healthy body that is able to resist disease.
(2) Eat the foods that suit your blood group. Even so-called health foods may not be agreeing with you at a cellular level. Adequate protein, vitamins, minerals and trace elements are required every day and herbal supplements such as Echinacea, Ginseng, Aloe, Wilde als, Centella and Don Quai (angelica) are good to take in preparation for winter. Some foods contain potent anti-viral and anti-cancer substances called protease inhibitors. They occur in the outer skin of seeds and nuts such as sesame seeds, soybeans, flaxseed, lentils and brown rice.
We also need foods that contain anti-oxidants like citrus fruit and green, orange or yellow vegetables to prevent damage to genetic material within the cell. Supplements containing Vitamin A, C. E and selenium are a good investment. Adequate supplies of calcium, magnesium and zinc are vital to immune function. Food is not always a reliable source of nutrients.
(3) Avoid obvious toxins and carcinogens such as fluoride, cigarette smoke, exhaust fumes, pollution, etc. Limit your exposure to harsh sunshine or use a good sunscreen and wear hats or protective clothing. Take more vitamin A.
(4) If you feel a cold coming on, take 1 gram of vitamin C and 15 mg of zinc immediately. Mix vitamin C with fruit juice and sip continuously. You can add sulphonyl (a natural anti-oxidant) to the water. Take Echinaforce drops or Echinacea to boost immunity. Try the new 2000 anti-flu preparation in Homeopathic drops or pillules.
(5) Look after your liver. It produces cells that gobble up genetically damaged material on a constant basis. Any breakdown in this function and the material can start proliferating into tumours: especially if parasites carry it to other parts of the body. Detoxify and strengthen the liver with the supplements: Milk thistle, choline and inositol and Aloe products. Destroy parasites with herbal compounds containing: cascara, echinacea, cat’s claw and Aloe bitters.
These books contain useful information about the immune system:
by Patrick Holford & Jennifer Meek
Good dietary advice and insight into the mechanics of the immune system with all its related systems.
by Dr John Mc Kenna
Before you reach for more antibiotics: this book can steer you through a list of practical and safer alternatives. Give it to your doctor!
by Caroline Myss
Every disease has a cause and our mind is the key player. Learn how your mindset manifests as cancer, arthritis, diabetes or other diseases. Frightening.
by Deepak Chopra
Now you have a way to talk to a virus: the quantum level is the closest link between the smallest part of you and your thoughts. The author makes highly technical biological issues comfortable and familiar for the layman.
The AIDS virus is 70x smaller than a sperm cell. It glides through the wall of a condom with ease. So, why all the fuss about wearing condoms? Cape Town Civic Centre has a huge 10-storey banner promoting condoms as the solution to all our AIDS problems. In the first place, sex within a stable relationship is what the Bible recommends. Although many biblical characters had a few wives and concubines, the instruction was not to commit adultery or fornicate. This is the best way to prevent AIDS and STD’S, serving as a natural guideline for sexual health.
A sign at a local health clinic had the following caption: “‘n losbol tel siektes op”. In other words, sexual promiscuity invites AIDS and other STD’S: horrific conditions that affect not only your genitals but your entire reproductive system and just about every organ in your body. Life will never be the same again after contracting: gonorrhea, genital herpes, chlamydia, syphilis and of course, AIDS.
The best way to prevent unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases is to tie your legs together! But, seriously, a condom can prevent some of them from affecting you. Watch out for syphilis that is carried in even a drop of saliva. Modern drugs and alternatives may help to hammer out some of these infections before they kill you. STD’S wiped out many famous characters in history: Paul Gauguin, Toulouse Lautrec or King Henry the 8th and in our time: Freddie Mercury, Liberace and other well known victims. Did condoms save them?
The information we publish and the products we advertise are not intended as medical advice or medicine to diagnose or cure disease. Your doctor should be consulted if you have a health problem. We are not held responsible for any damages that may result from using products or information obtained from this magazine.
Special armies of cells have been designed to protect you day and night from attacks by hostile viruses, bacteria and even faulty genetic material that causes cancer and diseases. Immune cells or T cells are constantly at work identifying and destroying any unwanted invaders. Starve your body and you weaken your defences. Eat the wrong foods, live with fear and anger and hate and you will slow down and damage the inner workings of your body’s defence system to the degree that you will suffer the consequences. The good news is that the situation can be turned around. In the same way that we train our bodies to be fit, we can train our mind to protect us from diseases and nourish our bodies to
Damaged cells can form tumours that develop into cancer. Fortunately this faulty material is immediately detected and destroyed by special killer cells that are produced by a healthy liver. Any tumour that develops is attacked by a healthy immune system. The exception is a tumour that mimics type A blood, thus managing to outwit the immune system. Unlike people with O, B or AB blood, the A type blood tolerates and nourishes this deceitful type of tumour. Here the best line of defence is to find out what is making the cells clump together in the first place to prevent the cancer at an earlier stage.
Food molecules containing lectins behave like glue on the cell membrane. The body produces antigens in reaction to these foods and it causes a sticky globular cluster of cells. Obviously deaths from cancer are exceptionally high in the A blood group as they are at the greatest risk. Foods causing this antigen reaction in blood type A’s are: pork, red meat, shellfish, lamb, dairy products, mealies, wheat and many others. Other blood groups have danger foods of a different kind. Blood type O thrives on meat and it does not cause cancer for them yet they are weakened by wheat, corn and dairy products. B’s tolerate milk very well, but chicken, pork and shellfish are toxic to them.