Q & A with Sue Visser 2016 hormones, fertility, cancer. Plus Coleus information on last page
Customer Queries about Hormonal problems, cancer, fertility
Cautions and disclaimers
Warning: This information should not be used for diagnosis or to guide treatment without the supervision of a health professional. Please consult a competent and knowledgeable doctor or alternative therapist for professional guidance if you wish to combine common sense or naturopathic protocols with your current treatment and prescribed drugs. Never stop an ongoing prescription abruptly or combine it with an alternative without figuring out the side effects. Understand that innocent sounding herbs, supplements and normal healthy food can thin the blood, lower blood sugar, raise or lower blood pressure and duplicate the effects of sleeping pills, hormone supplements and thyroid medications.
Coleus Tincture – how many milligrams per ml?
Q ) I just want to find out what ingredients is in this product and milligrams of the ingredients.
A ) Our product is a little different to tablets or capsules in that it is for direct delivery to the bloodstream and works like Homeopathic medications. The official mg level of Forskholin from the root extract (very, very expensive – but the most effective) is 20mg per ml of the tincture.
Coleus Forskohlii is best when taken as a tincture of the root extract and absorbed under the tongue whereby it enters the bloodstream. This directly initiates the beneficial effects as it bypasses the digestive system. Recommended doses vary from 40 – 50 mg two or three times a day, depending on the product or condition.
Note: Caffeine extends the time span of the active cycle of cAMP. So you can enjoy a cup of coffee with your coleus. For topical use on psoriasis or flaky skin lesions, mix a little of a concentrated coffee brew with the coleus extract to extend the active phase. After the cAMP , it returns to be recycled into ATP. This explains the name; cyclic adenosine monophosphate.
For skin problems, I found that the coleus tincture combined with strong black coffee (or anhydrous caffeine) can clear up stubborn cases of psoriasis, eczema, chronic skin inflammation and rashes.
A lot of people complain about the same thing. They have symptoms of a thyroid problem but Doctor says their blood tests are “normal.” Here are some of my articles to help you decide if you need iodine or not?
Body builders look for steroids – but are they safe?
We do not sell steroids. Our Tribulus Terrestris tincture and MEGAMAX work by helping you to make your own testosterone– we make the tincture. I had a customer who increased his levels, as confirmed by a medical report. My husband uses it for weight training.
Products are from TAKEALOT or local health shops. www.naturefresh.co.za . The tinctures cost about R60 – R70 . A bottle is sufficient for 2 – 3 weeks.
Q2) Have your husband had great gains with these? I am trying to bulk at this stage and then from April 2016 starting to “prep” for my first competition at the end of June 2016 straight through to if all goes well SA Champs near the end of the year in Durban.
Now the next question I will have is this…….what then can I use for a cutting cycle for my competition “prep”?
Thank you very much for your help thus far.
A2) My husband is not trying to be a champ. He battles to maintain muscle bulk due to his past encounters with Rheumatic Fever. He sometimes takes a nutritious shake after weight training, as advised by Eddie Cave, my Martial Arts trainer. As a youngster he was Mr Western province. (50 years ago.) Eddie trains my husband with different programmes to stay fit and firm and to keep the boep at bay. Building muscles takes special training. He does not believe in creatine, steroids and “substances” and neither do I.
1 Be careful with steroids and testosterone because if you have too many carbs, they convert to DHT (bad testosterone) and this becomes oestrogen. It causes weight gain, (also cancer and BPH) and tends to favour breast, thigh and butt tissue! That is why the Tribulus we use is a safer option. The other type of Tribulus, the one with the broad leaf has estrogenic effects and can also cause swollen gonads. A lot of body building products contain Tribulus, so watch out. (The Sleek Geek guys don’t believe that Tribulus increases testosterone, by the way. ) Once a year I recommend our Prostate Remedy to keep the hormones balanced.
2 Eat for your blood type, as it makes it easier to build up on food best suited to you. Soya is best for type A, Dairy for B and meat for O for example. Wheat and gluten can interfere with the metabolism. You can download my blood type lists from our website of buy my book Healthy Happy Eating.
Good luck with the training and reap the rewards of hard, honest work. Regards, Sue
Chasteberry (Agnus Castus) to fall pregnant?
Q1 ) Kindly advise will the Chasteberry help me fall pregnant, I have athyroid problem and am insulin resistance.
A1 ) There is no universal substance that can make anybody pregnant. Chasteberry (Agnus Castus) can help a condition, especially if it is a hormonal problem like PCOS. (Insulin resistance is part of the condition and needs dietary treatment.) For thyroid problems, there is usually a need for iodine or Coleus. I have articles and links for you to find out more. The fact is that you CAN become pregnant, by overcoming these problems. It takes a lot of time and effort, but the results are excellent. My daughter had a similar problem. Overcoming PCOS took her years, with the help of Chasteberry. Now we have grandchildren!
All the best with the journey, Love, Sue
Q2 ) Would it be possible to continue using MEGASLIM & COLEUS FORSKOHLII while I am pregnant (6 weeks). Weight maintaining is imperative as I have COLD. The following questions are listed below , your feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Your reply would be warmly welcomed.
A2 )Congratulations on your pregnancy!
The golden rule is NO HERBAL PRODUCTS. But the exception is if you are taking Chasteberry (Agnus Castus) or any other hormone balancer that helped you fall pregnant by raising progesterone, then first have your levels checked. Watch out for this. Suddenly stopping the tincture can and often does, I have found out, cause a miscarriage. However, some herbs do affect or interfere with hormones or uterine contractions. I advise against even herbs like rosemary, sage, etc. in larger than usual amounts. It is ok to add flavour but no therapeutic use unless approved by your midwife or doctor.
To control weight during pregnancy it is best to eat according to your blood type and follow the popular Zone diet. (These are the basics of the Megaslim protocol.) If you need more information on blood type diets, you can order my book from TAKEALOT or download diet sheets by logging on to our website. All the best – so far so good! Love, Sue xx www.naturefresh.co.za
Good results: Customer report on Coleus, Agnus Castus, Red Clover
Q ) Hi Sue I trust you are well. Just a thank you for the wonderful products you produce. I suffer from PCOS and have started the Nature Fresh Angus cactus, Red clover, Coleus forskholi & Megaslim to help weight loss and balance hormones. It’s been about a month now and I’ve had a natural cycle within a normal time of 7days compared to two weeks to a month of bleeding. I can see some swelling in my face has gone down and I no longer suffer from joint pains & fatigue of PCOS. I gave up on myself and Doctors. Your advice was my last resort. I will continue the products till I’ve reached a weight whereby I can try to conceive. I have even ovulated since using products. Thank you thank you again.
A ) Wonderful news! I am so pleased. Make sure you also follow the dietary protocol. Perhaps cut down on the Red Clover now, as oestrogen deficiency is not the case and the Agnus castus will help to keep up the balance.
Advice for when you fall pregnant is to have your progesterone levels monitored immediately because some people stop all the tinctures and then miscarry. So just bear that in mind.
Can’t wait for the next stage! Love, Sue xxx
PCOS and I have a candida albicans infection, an under active thyroid gland and diabetic as well.
Q) I need your help urgently with regards to my health. Firstly I suffer from pcos and I have a candida albicans infection and I have an under active thyroid gland and I’m diabetic as well.
Can you please tell me what medications of yours I can take to sort out all of my health problems. Is there anything specific I can use to treat my pcos? I would really appreciate your help with this Thank you & kind regards
A ) There is a lot you need to do yourself. We do not supply remedies like Big Pharma does!
These are basic recommendations.
See website and note the disclaimers. I am not a doctor and can’t tell you what to do or what to take.
1 Take our olive leaf tablets 2 , twice a day for 2 weeks to kill the mould and fungal forms of the candida.
2 Take the PROBIOTIC-15 liquid. Add it to food as often as you can. This gets rid of the candida yeast.
3 Take Chastberrty tincture (Agnus castus) to balance the hormones.
4 Take coleus tincture for the thyroid.
Please Note: Get to the cause. Eat what suits you. Cut out what does not. Hope this gets you on your way. Use food as medicine. Regards, Sue
PCOS cycles controlled by Sweet Potato for 7 years. Now I want to skip a period for a honeymoon?
Q) Hi there, I have PCOS and have been on sweet potato drops the past 7 years which helps my menstrual cycle tremendously. I’m getting married on a date which is in the first week that I’m supposed to start with my cycle. How should I use these drops to help postpone my cycle or make it earlier and how can I get it back to normal again? Please help?
A ) I am so happy to hear of your success with the sweet potato. Well done! Many ladies have used the ‘overdosing” technique to skip a menstrual cycle. For this, it is usually 20 drops a day. Perhaps 2 x 10 drops? We all vary and I feel it better to practice by skipping the month before and then keeping up the regimen so at least you know you are on target.
I tested both the chewing of sweet potato as well as the 20 drops a day over 10 years ago. Six months on each, to the amazement of professionals. I resumed a normal cycle as soon as I discontinued (no sweet potato – until it began.)
I have cysts on the ovaries and PCOS and overweight hormonal. Don’t want hormones.
I have spent a lot of time advising victims of the PCOS syndrome. There have been a few success stories. But the protocol is strict and it requires a lot of attention. Unfortunately there is no single pill to overcome the ailments within this cluster that include: insulin resistance, weight gain, cysts on the ovaries, infertility, swelling and bloating, depression or stormy emotional outbursts. (Not all of them apply to one person and even if you don’t have a cyst you can be a victim of the syndrome.) What follows are some typical discussions that affect a growing number of young ladies who take birth control pills or injections with these symptoms.
Q) I went to the gynaecologist and through the scan she diagnosed PCOS. She has prescribed Metformin and told me to lose weight. I have tired and do cut out gluten but struggle. Can anything shrink the cysts? What is a cyst actually? I am highly intolerant to most medication that has hormones. I do not want to take Clomid. I’ve heard a lot of disturbing accounts from people who’ve taken Metformin and I believe once you start it you have to take it for life as your body becomes dependent on it.
Therefore I am contacting you for help! I could see no light, was becoming so depressed with the thought of going onto lifelong medication and then I read the success stories on your website! This is definitely God sent! Please help me with a step-by-step guideline on what to do and what to do and take. Thank you so much.
Q) What do you have for blocked fallopian tubes and possible hormone imbalance, evident facial hair?
A) A gynaecologist would be more suitable to consult with for this problem. Usually the treatment is successful but it depends on the cause. If it is hormonal then at best we may be able to prevent further congestion by using herbal hormone balancing tinctures or the PCOS protocol. Facial hair is a very vague diagnostic clue. It could be bulimia, anorexia or adrenal stress depending on what sort of hair, in this case soft and downy, on the cheeks. A testosterone imbalance stimulates the growth of male-type beard or moustache hair and may trigger the loss of hair on the scalp.
Chew sweet potato for hot flushes, take Calmag for fingernails. Happy Customer!
Jim, please tell Sue I am really so grateful for her message about sweet potato and hot flushes… for I started a week of the horrid experience, as I changed over cycles… and then began taking sweet potato… two weeks later, all transitioned, no irritation, no hot flushes… life dances on!! I am spreading the message as far and wide as I can.
Also, for the information on zinc for cysts and fibroids – even a woman with stage 4 endometriosis who had had two surgeries already in her life reported after a week of taking zinc that she had her first pain-free period in her lifetime – no more bedridden days off work!
AND, thanks for your calcium powder product – I’ve always battled to grow my nails, thinking this was more about a nervous condition – fiddling or biting them… BUT I add your powder to my morning oats (and my dog’s food btw to help their ageing arthritist) and Lo… my nails are strong and growing beautifully! Blessings on all the research and products that you produce.
A ) How nice to hear that you (and Nature Fresh) rock. Sound the gong, especially about sweet potato!
Look no further than TAKELOT, they deliver and prices are competitive. www.naturefresh.co.za
Join us from time to time on Facebook for news updates. I post the latest interesting articles I write for Info Barrel on the timeline.
Here is a lekker one about fingernails:
http://www.infobarrel.com/Users/Yindee Scroll the menu for more about sweet potato, etc. (Yindee is my pen name)
Love, Sue
Pregnant thanks to Chasteberry. Cramps?
Q ) Hi. i feel like i know you personally after reading so many of your articles. My sister suffers from PCOS and was unable to fall pregnant. After following your advice and taking Agnus Castus she is now 8 weeks pregnant. My 1st question is through her pregnancy can she continue with Agnus Castus. Secondly the doc is saying her progesterone is low and she is suffering from a lot of cramps, what do u advise she does. Thank you so much. bye
A ) Hi – Wonderful news!
Yes, please keep taking the agnus castus. The reason being, that some ladies get to this stage and then stop taking the remedy that is helping them with the progesterone. (They miscarry as a result, they tell me. ) I am glad your doctor is checking the progesterone levels. So far so good, but you may need a top up – whatever is suggested and well monitored will work.
1 Cramps are from calcium and magnesium depletion. She needs our CALCIUM COMPLEX, the powder is the most economical. Beneficial for pregnancy and breastfeeding. Get more potassium and other minerals by taking 1 – 2 teaspoons of blackstrap molasses in a cup of hot water 2 x daily.
2 Also the PROBIOTIC-15 is very important to establish good gut flora during the whole process. (These are for YOU too!)
See our webpage https://www.naturefresh.co.za/prodlist.aspx
3 The tissue salts are also helpful and safe to take at any stage – also for babies. MAG PHOS is the remedy for cramps.
Ovulation problem long menstrual periods
Q ) I have been battling with a very long period for the last 7/8 years. I have a 10 to 12 day period every month!! Starts of as a normal bleed, with a heavier bleed on day 3 and 4, and then it just carries on, and on and on…..:-(. According to my gynaecologist, my “off” switch doesn’t work. Really?
This leaves me feeling well…….helpless. I’m 34 years old. I have 1 x 11 year old daughter, conceived immediately after going off the pill (Marvelon) after 9 years.
I tried different types of contraceptives after my pregnancy, the likes of Yasmin and then lastly the Mirena levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system! I became increasingly moody(My poor partner) and depressed. I had to beg my gynaecologist to remove the Mirena, and the sun started to shine again.
My periods became longer and longer. According to my doctors I have 3 choices. Use the pill, have a thermal ablation, or a hysterectomy!! I refuse to accept that. None of those options will work for me, as my body hates synthetic hormones, and I still want to have another baby. I’m totally blown away by your sweet potato research!! Will this treatment help me? I’m so looking forward to your feedback Sue.
A) 1 Take the sweet potato tincture as indicated on the bottle. Or you can chew the potato, but really need to focus on what you are doing.
2 At the same time take the Chasteberry (Agnus Castus) tincture as indicated.
We find this works very well and as soon as you conceive – DO NOT STOP, first test the progesterone levels and keep them monitored by a doctor.
Usually heavy or long bleeding is due to fibroids, but they must have checked this? (Also due to a deficiency of progesterone.
Our product catalog and TAKELOT.com link: www.naturefresh.co.za
Go for ti! Love, sue
Positive response Morning Sue! I did the last ovulation test in the box last night, and low and behold, it gave a positive result for ovulation. On day 18 of my cycle. Thanks you so much Sue.
I can’t wait to report back to you with positive results.
Premenstrual bad moods – poor husband
Q )Can you please help me…before and during my menstrual period I’m extremely moody, don’t know how my husband manage to stay married to me during those times:)
Can I use any of your hormone balancing products?
A ) – take vitamin B6 if swollen and bloated. Also our Calcium complex alleviates menstrual cramps.
Don’t kill anybody. It is due to oestrogen saturation in the blood and robs one of common sense.
The Nature Fresh hormone balancing tinctures help to alleviate discomfort. They work best with a cleaner diet, exercise, blood type and allergy compensations and supplementation. Available from TAKEALOT see www.naturefresh.co.za Love, Sue
Action: No estrogenic effects or danger to endometrium, no contra-indications. Non toxic. Anti – mutagenic.
For menopausal symptoms where normal HRT with estrogen and progesterone is not suitable due to cancer, high blood pressure or circulatory disorders.
A selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM) acts as an estrogen antagonist or blocker. (Boosts Tamoxifen)
Helps to stimulate the action of osteoblasts to assist bone reconstruction.
Symptoms: Hot flushes, night sweats, sore, lumpy breasts, weight gain and bloating, headaches, irritability osteoporosis, menstrual disorders, blood clotting and an “uncooperative” uterus!
Adverse effects: No reports of anything adverse even at levels of 10 drops, twice a day.
2) Useful tip: Menopausal women often lack testosterone when they complain of depression, mental fatigue and a dwindling or non-existent libido. Taking the herbal tincture: Tribulus Terrestris under the tongue will rapidly restore her testosterone and turn her back into a tiger!
Hormonal problems, swollen breasts, lumps, feeling awful
Q) I have been experiencing pain in my arms especially the upper arms and the the opposite side of my elbows. I get tissue swelling accompanied by pain. I also experience this with by breast which is swollen and sore and i have bump-like nodulles when i press close to my chest area and this usually only happens when i have pain. I have alot of tissue at my breasts and i am constantly sensative in this area especially the sides which is heavy. I have also pain in the joint of my inde finger and ring finger. On the inside and out side are where my knees are i experience pain as well. I often get headaces which starts from my neck area and moves up to my head and my shoulders.
My horme levels are not constant which makes me bleed. I sometimes feel like i am getting a period. Very emotional and tearful with the swollen breasts and headace. Even three weeks before a menstrual cycle i feel like i am contantly in pms. My stomach is very bloated. People think i am pregnant. I feel very full and uncomfortable after i eat. Its strange but i feel exhausted from eating. Not sure if if my explanation is correct. Even when i put a laptop on my stomach or the galaxy tab its weight is very uncomfortable on my stomach.
I hope you can please help me.
A ) Balance those hormones! Those are all symptoms of Oestrogen dominance. You did not mention a birth control injection or pills? They deplete your Vitamin B6. A B6 deficiency causes one to swell, especially around the breasts and when pre-menstrual.
1 Take Vitaforce B6 with magnesium
2 Take a hormone balancer like Chasteberry (Agnus castus) See the Nature Fresh range: www.naturefresh.co.za
3 Take nature Fresh Calcium Complex powder at bedtime. It can help the cramps and sleep problems
4 Take Omega 3 fish oil (Vital cod liver oil capsules) for pain, inflammation, depression. Brilliant stuff! You need a lot more of the fish oil (Omega 3) and cut down on sunflower, olive oil, saturated fats because they ALL promote inflammation (pain, swelling)
5 Take our PROBIOTIC-15. Add it to yoghurt and other foods to establish good gut flora.
6 Cut out all gluten. Control your blood sugar, because insulin resistance makes it all worse.
7 EXERCISE – every day, do more and more and you will feel better.
Response: Hi Sue thank you for your response. I am not on any form of birth control. Unmarried. Single. Lol. I do have a cat and she has a poop tray in the house. I did go to my doctor a year ago who was concerned about my breast tissue. Not cancer related. He wNted me to go for a blood test and an ultrasound. Never went because it was expensive for me. I was reading up last night on your website and thought it could be parasite related.
I forgot to mention to you that at night i have this terrible neen to to put pressure and rub the inside of my feet especialy the arch area. I push my feet against a hard surface and aplly pressure to the arch. I can.t explain it is a strange sensation and i cant settle down and can last an hour. I have also tried breathing deeply to calm myself down and clear my head because its very busy in there …
Sorry one last question my cat has started getting joint problems and she walks with a slight limp. I have changed her food to hills pre ription diet for joints. There has been an improvement. Can i giver her calcium complex in het diet and how much.
Oh yes how much mega oil must i take because 2 a day is the normal dose
Thanks again and love your products.
God bless you for your deep sense of humanity.
Response: I have outlined your protocol. Please get on with it now. For the foot, see a reflexologist for an explanation or Google it. Love, Sue
Cramps, aches and pains, hot flushes, thyroid problems and on and on
1 Cut out all gluten. Never, ever eat anything that contains wheat and you will see and feel a BIG difference all round within days.
2 Eat for your blood type https://naturefresh.co.za/blood-group-eating/
3 Understand sleep and hormones
4 Take Calcium Complex powder at night (from Dischem) also for cramps: tissue salt MAG PHOS is good. Also take Omega 3 capsules and more potassium: 2 teaspoons blackstrap molasses in hot water 1x or 2x day.
5 Take a suitable hormone tincture – see our website https://www.naturefresh.co.za/prodlist.aspx
Face cream makes one very hot. I never use it for this reason!
6 Do some exercise and have body stress treatment or acupressure to release what seems to be a trapped nerve.
7 Then take a nice hot bath. Always do this before bedtime.
I hope this will help you to get rid of the pain, the restless legs, the poor thyroid function and the rest of the long list of ailments you complain about. You say none of the medicines have helped you. So I suggest you address the causes, starting with gluten intolerance and blood type conflicts that cause a lot of the inflammation.
All the links to my articles and information I provided will answer all your questions and as you requested – it will be natural, holistic, effective and did not cost you anything! Regards, Sue
2 cases of advanced cancer in her friends and family – Budwig protocol
A ) Thanks for sharing your two desperate cases. They are lucky to have somebody like you who cares so much. Advanced cancer is worrying and I think people get upset by too much “advice”
1 We have a lot of helpful ways to alleviate some of this suffering, especially for tumours, pain and inflammation but there is no magic fix. No one pill or “snake oil” cure at this stage. Years ago some of the warning signals could have been attended to (but not in a government hospital). You will find my cancer resource centre by scrolling on our home page. www.naturefresh.co.za
I also provide more diets, recipes and protocols to help people cope with their health problems. https://naturefresh.co.za/diets-and-recipes/
2 If you are willing to help manage the treatments and find somebody to prepare the recipe I provide then we have a way forward. In both cases, the best results I have seen for advanced cases like these is with the Joanna Budwig protocol.
3 Even if you are too overwhelmed to investigate the fine science – read these wonderful testimonials.
http://www.budwigcenter.com/testimonials/ On this site you can download the free Budwig guide.
Read More http://www.cancertutor.com/budwig/
Regards, Sue . We can chat again in a few weeks when you have done as suggested:
Make your Budwig mixture and use it once or twice a day.
It is basically a mixture of low fat cottage cheese and flaxseed oil you blend with a stick blender.
1 part flaxseed oil (say ½ cup) to 2 parts fat free cottage cheese (say 1 cup)
If it is too sticky then add some water or low fat milk.
You can add double the amount of low fat milk (2 cups) to make it easier to process – and swallow. I do this when making up a bulk supply to freeze as ice cubes. They are so handy then, to add to meals and smoothies.
It is difficult to give this mixture fresh 2 or 3 x a day. I advise to make it in bulk and freeze small portions in an ice tray. Then they can have a smoothie between meals. It is very sustaining, yummy and one of the best cancer treatments on earth, as you will see.
A yummy Budwig smoothie
To ½ cup of the Budwig mixture of cottage cheese and flaxseed oil add 2 cups of Amasi or Kefir (fermented milk – low fat organic if possible). Flavour it with 2 teaspoons of sweet molasses or honey per glass. Add a banana and 2 teaspoons of lemon juice if the patient is not eating very well. Make sure it is very ripe (black marks on skin.) Strawberries, apricots, pears or other soft fruit are also nice to include.
Other things you can add.
You need to make sure the patient has a lot of vitamin C. 1 teaspoon of ascorbic acid can be added but it is sour – like lemon juice. If they are not keen to take multivitamins, L-Lysine and co-Enzyme Q10 as supplements, then include them as well. Empty out the capsules, grind the tablets and make up a bulk mixture for 1 month. Work out 1/30 and add it to a smoothie every day.
In some cases it is a good idea to include digestive enzymes, probiotics in powdered form. But make sure you use 10 – 15 strains as they are the most effective. I prefer the liquid from with 15 strains. It can be added to fruit juice. When left to stand overnight, 1 teaspoon of this mixture in a glass of water was shown to have doubled its microbial population overnight. (Before and after studies of TMA counts were performed at Swift Laboratories.)
Dr Budwig’s book Flax Oil As A True Aid Against Arthritis, Heart Infarction, Cancer And Other Diseases which was translated from German to English. This book is a must read for anyone trying to heal themselves from a terminal or chronic disease.
Response ) Hope and trust that you are well? Thank you for your prompt response, it is highly appreciated. I will read all the relevant information that you have forwarded me and I will reply via e-mail. Kind regards and enjoy your day!
I am terrified about a cancer diagnosis and the medical treatment. I feel so healthy.
A positive mind-set can heal the body and keep you healthy. But the opposite is also true and fear, rumours and a false diagnosis can then manifest as a disease – usually what people call cancer. Something snaps in the immune system and cells begin to divide out of control. When we understand, repair, look after and nourish the body we can forestall disease and decay. By understanding how and why cells divide we can control many pre-cancerous tendencies – way before a lump or some visible symptom becomes evident.
When motivated by fear and false opinions we tend to ignore the truth and get a scientific diagnosis (even if it is not truthful) and take scientific drugs with harmful side effects. They can kill us despite our robust state of health. Is that the chance you are willing to take when you visit the oncology unit? A second opinion may save your life. At least verify the reason they have diagnosed a form of cancer. Look at what cancer patients have in common in terms of causative factors. You can change those and make a big difference to the outcome of whatever treatment you consider using. dietary deficiencies, immune strength, environments
Read about some case histories that cannot be explained scientifically. We can think ourselves into a state of illness or wellness, especially when it comes to cancer. Spontaneous healing as well as subconsciously fabricated illnesses are both possible.
A pro-cancerous mind-set? http://www.infobarrel.com/Do_You_Have_a_Pro-cancerous_Mind-set_
Watch out for the cancer trap. Some people get booby trapped http://www.infobarrel.com/Dont_be_Booby_Trapped_into_the_Clutches_of_Cancer_
Here are the most popular cancer protocols that many people have used to control cell division (cancer) http://www.infobarrel.com/Control_Cancer_-_Thrive_and_Survive_on_Positive_Protocols_
I am positive that there are effective ways to both treat and prevent cancer. I share my research work with you, knowing that some of you are willing to pay attention. Here is way forward – to right the wrongs that rob people of their right to abundant health. Learn the truth about your condition and apply a Positive Protocol – one that does not harm you! Learning to thrive and survive in the face of gloom and doom takes courage and optimism to new levels. Link up with people who can help and support you. Prayer groups are powerful.
Work with a practitioner who knows about how to control the 2/16 ratio. If they don’t know what that is then perhaps you need another opinion? A second opinion based on what really happens to hormones when you mess around with birth control, hormone replacement and progesterone cream. What people say and what really happens in terms of overstimulated cell division do not always tally. I know of 3 ladies who used progesterone to “control” estrogen and they all died of cancer. So we need to go beyond the opinion of the white jacket or alternative cloak of deception because it is your body and your life.
I have cysts on the ovaries and PCOS and overweight hormonal. Don’t want hormones.
I have spent a lot of time advising victims of the PCOS syndrome. There have been a few success stories. But the protocol is strict and it requires a lot of attention. Unfortunately there is no single pill to overcome the ailments within this cluster that include: insulin resistance, weight gain, cysts on the ovaries, infertility, swelling and bloating, depression or stormy emotional outbursts. (Not all of them apply to one person and even if you don’t have a cyst you can be a victim of the syndrome.) What follows are some typical discussions that affect a growing number of young ladies who take birth control pills or injections with these symptoms.
Q) I went to the gynaecologist and through the scan she diagnosed PCOS. She has prescribed Metformin and told me to lose weight. I have tired and do cut out gluten but struggle. Can anything shrink the cysts? What is a cyst actually? I am highly intolerant to most medication that has hormones. I do not want to take Clomid. I’ve heard a lot of disturbing accounts from people who’ve taken Metformin and I believe once you start it you have to take it for life as your body becomes dependent on it.
Therefore I am contacting you for help! I could see no light, was becoming so depressed with the thought of going onto lifelong medication and then I read the success stories on your website! This is definitely God sent! Please help me with a step-by-step guideline on what to do and what to do and take. Thank you so much.
Q) What do you have for blocked fallopian tubes and possible hormone imbalance, evident facial hair?
A) A gynaecologist would be more suitable to consult with for this problem. Usually the treatment is successful but it depends on the cause. If it is hormonal then at best we may be able to prevent further congestion by using herbal hormone balancing tinctures or the PCOS protocol. Facial hair is a very vague diagnostic clue. It could be bulimia, anorexia or adrenal stress depending on what sort of hair, in this case soft and downy, on the cheeks. A testosterone imbalance stimulates the growth of male-type beard or moustache hair and may trigger the loss of hair on the scalp.
Diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis
Q) Hi Sue,I listened to your programme on radio the other and would like some advice.I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis 2 years ago and put onto medication called Methatrxate and also blood pressure tablets.B/P 145/90.Inow have Libido and E/D problems.What can you suggest.
A) I prefer no meds if the cause is say a gluten or wheat problem. It usually is!
So are you ready for some serious work?
Try the gluten free protocols and eat for your blood type. This calms down the immune system. Then you can reduce the meds as you improve. I like to team up with doctors of integrative medicine. I will attach a list plus more info.
Links to free blood type lists and GF diets at our website www.naturefresh.co.za
Olive leaf tablets we make can help with HBP.
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COLEUS FORSKOHLII the missing link to generate cyclic AMP (cAMP)
By Health researcher: Sue Visser www.naturefresh.co.za
Nature Fresh products that contain Coleus Forskholii
Nature Fresh products that contain a 20% concentrated root extract (most potent) of Coleus Forskholii. Brands and types of extracts can vary, as do their effects on activating cellular energy within the mitochondria.
1 Nature Fresh tincture
The total extract in the Nature Fresh tincture is 1000 mg per 50ml bottle. When taken as a tincture by mouth absorption it works differently because it enters the bloodstream directly. (In this case it is not so dependent on large amounts of the herb.) A few drops thus ingested under the tongue have an immediate effect on cyclic AMP. It is a highly concentrated root extract and when taken like this is more effective for helping asthma, cortisol upsets and fatigue.
Average Coleus tincture dose:
½ teaspoon in ½ cup water 2 – 3x per day. (100mg forskohlin is present) 1 hour before meals.
Alternatively: take a few drops under the tongue every 2-3 hours. It is better absorbed into the bloodstream and acts quickly in acute (emergency) conditions.
2 Nature Fresh Megaslim
Nature Fresh Megaslim has 200mg of the same coleus extract but it enters the digestive system and takes longer to kick in. It also has to compete with other nutrients and receptors. It does help the thyroid to become more efficient and all the other benefits, especially for slimming are well documented in a number of studies.
How does coleus work and what is cAMP?
Forskholin is the pharmacologically active compound found in Coleus forskohlii which has been used in over 5000 research studies since 1974. The enzyme adenylate cyclase is activated by forskolin. This regulates the formation of cAMP (cyclic adenosine monophosphate) a compound that in turn exerts control over numerous activities in every cell. The effects of raised cAMP. This promotes the inhibition of mast cell degranulation and histamine release, inhibition of platelet activation and degranulation, increased force of contraction of heart muscle, relaxation of the arteries and other smooth muscles, increased insulin secretion, increased thyroid function, and increased lypolysis (fat breakdown) It appears to exhibit potent immune system enhancement by activating macrophages & lymphocytes.
Coleus (Forskolin) helps to treat: hypertension, mild congestive heart failure, asthma, eczema and psoriasis, digestive weakness and IBS, persistent urinary infections, is anti-inflammatory, anti-histamine and soothing to the nervous system. It is vital to communication between hormones and neurotransmitters to treat symptoms of low oestrogen or testosterone, dopamine and catecholamine activity. Coleus is effective for weight loss and fat burning with prevention of subsequent fat storage. Also aids digestion and stimulates thyroid function to speed up metabolism. Helps release stored glycogen from the liver to balance low blood sugar. Aids in sugar metabolism for treatment of insulin resistance – syndrome X (diabetes 2,) PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) and obesity. Forskolin has been shown to be safe and effective and has a great potential as a sports supplement.
Coleus has many fat loss mechanisms and helps to balance cortisol and blood sugar: Forskolin in Coleus stimulates signalling agents within adipose tissue, leading to the breakdown of triglycerides and the subsequent release of fatty acids and glycerol into the bloodstream. During endurance exercise, these fatty acids are extracted from the bloodstream and burned as a fuel to provide ATP energy to the exercising muscle. In turn, fat cells shrink in size, helping overweight patients reduce their body fat more efficiently. Many of these people have a resistance to burning fat caused by higher serum insulin levels and insulin resistance (syndrome X), which tends to lock fatty acids and triglycerides in fat cells, reducing the fat-burning ability.
Coleus stimulates digestive enzymes: improving digestion and food assimilation and increases nutrient absorption in the small intestine. It increases thyroid hormone production as well as stimulates thyroid hormone release. Increasing the thyroid activity (comparable in strength to thyrotropin or TSH2) results in an increase in metabolism. An increase in cyclic AMP leads to subsequent activation of protein kinase that activates the hormone sensitive lipase which is involved in the breakdown of triglycerides, known as building blocks of fatty tissue. This is a thermogenic effect. It also helps release stored glycogen from the liver to balance low blood sugar. Insulin is important for carbohydrate metabolism but it is also involved in the metabolism of fats and proteins in controlling weight.
Safety, side effects and other benefits.
Coleus does not cause tachycardia; “sudden-death” heart attack; stroke; nervousness; anxiety; insomnia; seizures; or other serious adverse side-effects associated with the use of ephedra (Ma Huang). Coleus forskohlii does not stimulate the central nervous system. It has no long term side effects.
Cardiovascular Conditions: Congestive Heart Failure. Increased levels of cAMP increase the ability of the heart muscle to produce ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the energy required for heart-muscle contraction and its optimal force with each beat (increased stroke volume). Forskolin also relaxes the artery wall, decreasing blood pressure and preload stress on the heart muscle. All of these effects appear to be mediated via increased cAMP synthesis, which acts as a secondary messenger on various cellular processes. Hypertension: forskolin relaxes blood vessel smooth muscles via increased cAMP synthesis, helping to reduce high blood pressure by reducing resistance to blood flow.
Forskolin antagonizes the action of platelet-activating factor (PAF) by interfering with the binding of PAF to receptor sites on cells. In turn, this reduces platelet stickiness and smooth muscle contraction of blood vessels and bronchiole air passageways. Again, these effects are mediated through increased synthesis of cAMP. A preliminary trial found that coleus reduced blood pressure and improved heart function in people with cardiomyopathy. Coleus also increases cerebral blood flow, indicating that it may be beneficial in cerebral vascular insufficiency, and in enhancing post-stroke recovery.
Asthma manifests as a relative decrease in cAMP in the skin and bronchial smooth muscles. Most modern drugs for allergic symptoms are designed to increase cAMP levels. Coleus Forskholii achieves this through improving enzyme activity without negative side effects. Coleus is an effective smooth muscle relaxer, resulting in bronchodilation, decreased airway resistance, increased vital capacity and increased forced expiratory volume. This action is the result of the increase in Cyclic AMP caused by coleus. Methylxanthine-containing drugs inhibit phosphodiesterase enzyme, which breaks down cAMP.
Psoriasis. Low levels of cAMP appear to disrupt its balance with cGMP (cyclic guanine monophosphate). This imbalance has been shown to cause rapid cellular proliferation (a rate that is 1,000 times faster than normal cells), which is a main feature of the psoriatic condition. In experimental studies, coleus forskohlii has been shown to slow the proliferation rate of skin cells by improving the relative balance of cAMP to cGMP. Topical application of Nature Fresh Bee Balm has proved to be very effective in removal of scales and restoring normal skin. Supplement with omega 3 oils, follow the blood type diet and cut down on foods containing arachidonic acid eg: fatty meat, peanuts, coconut & dairy fat. Also avoid excessive omega 6 oils found in sunflower, corn and cottonseed oil. Only use olive oil or rice bran oil.
Depression associated with an imbalance of the neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine. Recent study sows that increasing Cyclic AMP elevates the catecholamines (neurotransmitters: epinephrine, norephinephrine). Since forskolin elevates Cyclic AMP, it may improve neurotransmitter function and thereby help to relieve depression. Nature fresh MEGAMAX helps to raise dopamine and testosterone levels associated with male depression. Parkinson’s disease is also a disturbance of these neurotransmitters and the use of Coleus and MEGAMAX is proving to be very helpful when combined with vitamin B6 and omega 3 oil supplements. When combined with disciplined eating and a structured exercise regimen, patients can reduce their dependence on medications that have unpleasant effects.
Male and female “menopause” responds to coleus. Although testosterone levels diminish with age, some men with normal levels may also experience symptoms of low testosterone. This is because the testosterone present may be in a bound form that renders it inactive or there is a problem with the hormone communicating with its receptors. Raising levels of cyclic AMP (adenosine monophosphate) by introducing forskolin from a COLEUS supplement is certainly beneficial in this respect. It may be all that is needed to restore a man’s former prowess. It is far safer than reaching for aphrodisiacs or sexual one-off’s that may interfere with high blood pressure, blood sugar, heart medications, etc.
What are the symptoms of low testosterone in older men?
Tiredness, irritability, lowered libido, aching joints, dry skin, insomnia, excessive sweating, hot flushes and depression. It is no coincidence that these symptoms overlap with a lack of cyclic AMP! Many older women have similar complaints and call it menopause. Is this the whole story? Instead of reaching for HRT, coleus would be a far safer choice to restore communication with estrogen and testosterone receptors. With males a testosterone (and cAMP) deficiency in the long term causes: bone density to decrease, a loss of muscle tone, sperm counts to drop and erectile failure occurs more frequently.
Females with low testosterone also experience a lack of sexual arousal and can’t perform. It is not always oestrogen supplementation that hot-flushing women need. Overdoing the oestrogen to ward off a so-called lack of it results in undesirable side effects such as weight gain, sore swollen breasts and a stand-offish attitude to both men and sex. Just a few drops of Coleus tincture every day can change all that!
What other products can help older men and women with these problems?
1 Zinc prevents testosterone from converting (aromatising) to oestrogen. Take 15 – 30 mg of zinc per day. (Nature Fresh MEGASLIM includes 15mg of zinc and 200mg of coleus extract per capsule.) Although some foods are rich in zinc, we don’t eat nearly enough oysters or pumpkin seeds every day to keep oestrogen and DHT (dihydrotestosterone) at bay. (Zinc is also beneficial for women with fibroids.)
2 Omega 3 oil is very important to enhance the effects of cyclic AMP. Eat plenty of oily fish from the cold seas, but take a fish oil supplement like salmon or cod liver oil capsules every day.
3 To boost the release and formation of beneficial testosterone, take the Nature Fresh Tribulus Terrestris tincture or the MEGAMAX capsules. They help to control testosterone pathways and release dopamine. Good for ladies and men.
4 For ladies with specific menstrual and menopausal complaints, choose the correct Nature Fresh herbal hormone balancing tincture from the range: Red Clover, Black Cohosh, Agnus Castus and Red Sweet potato. (See separate notes.)
5 Nature Fresh Calcium Complex: a very important part of maintaining general health and wellbeing and to look after bones and joints at all ages. Magnesium is vital to cyclic AMP activity. (See Calcium notes.)
6 Nature Fresh Prostate Remedy: for men who are already experiencing urinary discomfort.