ADD School Problems BACKGROUND DEFINITION: Hyperactivity or Hyperkinesia is considered to be a state of abnormal mental and physical restlessness. Behaviour is often unruly and boisterous or impulsive and fidgety. There is little need for sleep. These children prove to have endurance levels beyond those of their parents, teachers and siblings. Living intimately with such… Read More
Search Results
Which Medicine?
Why Orthodox, Complementary Or Alternative Medicine? Introduction: How I got involved in the health industry I am an avid investigator of the health industry and like to take the new products, theories and diets that I encounter through their paces. I soon found that I had entered a fascinating and controversial field. Who takes the… Read More
Cancer Cures in the kitchen
Cancer Cures In The Kitchen Why can just about everything cause cancer and just about anything cure it? Cancer is elusive. It can come and go without a sign or it can creep up and suck your vitality away until every organ eventually shuts down. You can fight it with all you’ve got and lose… Read More
Megamax Full Research
Megamax Hormonal And Cancer Studies : Research Details January 2007 complied by Sue Visser 1 THE NEED FOR A TONIC FORMULATION 2 TESTOSTERONE DEFICIENCIES IN MEN AND WOMEN Please note that this information should not be used to diagnose, treat or cure a condition without the consent of your doctor. Seek advice if you are… Read More
Cholestrol myths and Statin drugs
Maintaining A Health Happy Heart A healthy happy heart is easy to maintain. Research update by Sue Visser 2009 Mainstream thinking has obscured the truth about heart health. 1 Cholesterol myths and statin drugs: The widespread use of cholesterol lowering drugs to reduce the incidence of death from heart disease has helped many innocent people… Read More
Go with the grain
Go With The Grain That Best Suits Your Blood Type Careful which grains you eat When it comes to blood types, eating against the grain is the major cause of: obesity, thyroid disruption, weakened immunity, allergies and skin rashes, headaches, cancer, irritable bowel syndrome, gas, bloating, constipation, general sluggishness, depression, fatigue, syndrome X, high cholesterol,… Read More
Parasite Remedy
The New Nature Fresh Herbal Parasite Remedy We are constantly bombarded by parasites, including their eggs and larval stages. This is why we need to take a parasite remedy on a continuous basis. Most people are unaware of the fact that if we are prone to colds and flu, we also have gut worms. Often… Read More
Heavy Metal Detox
Are you a heavy metal victim? Persistent symptoms can baffle the brightest of brains if we don’t take heavy metal poisoning into consideration. Exposure to mercury, lead, aluminium, nickel, cadmium and other toxic particles is a primary cause of most of our chronic diseases today. They invade our cells and tissues and react with hormones,… Read More
Controlling stress overload
The Key To Controlling Stress Overload Cortisol out of control causes illness at a cellular level. Contrary to popular belief, taking cortisone-based drugs will not solve inflammation, asthma or other chronic problems in the long-term. As with any type of hormone supplementation, one will experience a backlash unless the initial cause of the problem is… Read More
ADD AND ADHD DRUG-FREE SOLUTIONS INTRODUCTION The so-called attention deficit or hyperactive disorder ( ADD or ADHD) is very confusing: especially as most of the “symptoms” vanish when the child receives adequate nutrition, a bit of discipline or natural therapy and is taught by a competent teacher. Homoeopathy, Nutritional or Bach remedies are drug free… Read More
Help Yourself
Help Yourself To Health with Sue Visser BASIC OUTLINE FOR A HEALTHY YET PRACTICAL AND CHEAP LIFESTLYE EXERCISE: Thanks to an abundance of Health Clubs we can have access to an exciting variety of exercise and fitness training. Every health regimen starts with exercise and it requires discipline and commitment to… Read More
Fruit and Veg healing diet
Fruit And Veg Healing Diet THE NATURAL FRUIT AND VEGETABLE HEALING DIET This healing diet is free. You don’t have to buy any expensive products. It is easy to do and the results are excellent! Dear Sick ‘n Tired, Fed Up and Fat, 1 Food is intended to nourish the body and supply over 90… Read More
Guide to “low libido”
Nature Fresh guide to “low libido” problem Q: Please can you help me. I struggle with my libido, it seems I do not have one at all and after 14 years my husband feels very, very rejected. I do not know what is wrong but need to change the situation ASAP. Can you suggest any… Read More
Parasites & Pathogens (Radio talk)
Parasites And Pathogens THE TRUTH BEHIND PARASITES AND PATHOGENS HOW TO ELIMINATE THEM NATURALLY WITHOUT DRUGS. by SUE VISSER NOTES TO ACCOMPANY THE INTERVIEW WITH NOORI DOMINGO, JOHAN BEAURAINE & SUE VISSER Monday 13th November 2000 10:30am Radio FM 786 Disclaimer: The information provided in these notes and radio discussion is not intended as medical… Read More
Food can make you sexy
Food Can Make You Sexy Please note: With the aid of the information that follows, you will be able to help yourself to a healthier, happier sex life. This paper is based on well researched scientific data, backed up by references that can be provided on request. If you are not enjoying optimal health, your… Read More