Prescribing Martial Arts for Stress
A new system whereby your blood group identifies your body type is now becoming a popular way to improve one’s health.
We are advised to only eat the foods that are compatible to our own blood type. Doing this makes it easier to overcome ailments ( they claim) affect us because we ignore the needs of our body type. Once you have identified all the blood types in the family and made a list of foods they should be eating, you will find that nobody can enjoy the same menu together ever again, unless it is a bowl of rice. Our blood groups seem to determine the most suitable exercises we should do to relieve stress and Martial Arts are highly recommended.
The O blood type is a hunter-gatherer, designed to endure long days of trotting through the bush, feeding on bodily reserves of fat. With high stomach acid levels, the hunter lives on meat and snatches of fruit and vegetables. Carbohydrates, dairy products and sugars cause metabolic problems for them and they are prone to thyroid disorders and gastric upsets. Their immune systems are highly tuned and immune boosting herbs and blood thinning drugs can harm them.
Prescribed exercise for releasing stress in O types:
Martial arts: Karate, Kung Fu, Kick boxing, and Yang style disciplines or strenuous aerobic exercise and physical workouts. This group reacts physically to stress.
The A blood type is a cultivator of the land and lives on fruit, vegetables, grains and dairy products. Their immune systems are very slack and long-term invasions of cancerous or infectious diseases can get the better of them as well as anemia and heart diseases. Their digestive systems are delicate, with low hydrochloric acid levels, so meat is indigestible, but a little chicken and fish is tolerated. Their immune systems need regular boosting from echinacea and food supplements.
Prescribed exercise for relieving stress in A types:
Martial arts: Yin style disciplines like Tai Chi, Push Hands, Aikido or yoga and sports like hiking, golf or swimming. This group act s intellectually to stress.
The B blood type is an omnivore, but within reason. It is one of the more recently evolved blood groups. Although most meats can be eaten, they have a peculiar intolerance of chicken that causes major metabolic disturbances. Dairy products are well tolerated and their constitutions are balanced and tough. They are prone to diabetes, obesity and rare viral diseases. B types are advised to eat more lecithin and flax seed oil and take more vitamins and chrome supplements.
Prescribed exercise for relieving stress in B types:
Martial arts: Qi Gong plus meditation, yoga and breathing exercises.
This group reacts spiritually to stress.
The AB blood group is a combination of A and B, but they react badly to wheat and dairy products. Their weak thyroids are aggravated by: cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower. Allergies are a major problem and this group needs adequate food supplements, especially anti-oxidant vitamins, calcium and magnesium.
Prescribed stress relief:
Martial arts: Qi Gong plus yoga, meditation and stretching or being creative with painting, drawing, writing, etc. This group reacts spiritually or creatively to stress.
The aggressive nature of Karate causes one to release adrenaline. This hormone comes from the inner tissue of the adrenal gland but it is always released with hormones known as endorphins. Endorphins help to control pain and have a mood enhancing effect. Known as the feel good hormone, people become addicted to activities that release endorphins because they have the same chemical structure as opiates such as morphine.
Strenuous exercise, aggressive behaviour, fear and shock release endorphins into the bloodstream. Ever wondered why you feel so good after a hectic workout or a few rounds of Kumite at the Dojo? These hormones have something to do with making you come back for more, every time. However, laughter is still the best medicine as a few healthy guffaws and roars of laughter give the diaphragm a vigorous workout and even more endorphins are also released, without getting hurt! Laughter therapy can be given as a means of pain control. There are cases of pain relief from laughter that produced better results than prescription drugs and left the patient feeling light hearted and happy instead of morbid and depressed. So, laughter is the best medicine after all!