Your Slimming Protocol
Natural Ways to Facilitate Your Slimming Protocol
Some people gain weight easily and find it difficult to lose. Eating less may be sabotaging your efforts because of underlying obstacles. Get rid of them!
This information should not be used to diagnose or treat conditions. Natural remedies often duplicate the action of prescribed drugs so please discuss this protocol with a knowledgeable practitioner. Their skills should include: allergy or food tolerance tests, 24 hour urine analysis, herbal medicine and nutrition. Some therapists provide BEST, darkfield microscope analysis or iridology. They are great motivational tools!
Check up on Hormonal Upsets and Fix Them
Adrenal stress causes constant cortisol output and inflammation makes you fat, weak and tired. Take adaptogens, a good multivitamin, calcium and magnesium and 100 mg vitamin B5 2x per day under a practitioner’s guidance. Cortisone treatment causes profuse weight gain in some people. Clean out gluten, milk and other intolerances that may be to blame in the first place. Seek counseling for controlling stress reactions.
As soon as the adrenals are strong enough, select Lugol’s iodine or Coleus tincture to boost thyroid activity if you suspect it is slow. Avoid foods that interfere with the thyroid, known as goitrogens like excess cabbage (a little sauerkraut is fine), kale, broccoli, cauliflower and millet. Blood tests are not reliable, so ask for a 24 hour urine test to also check oestrogen, adrenal and other hormones. RT3, the reverse thyroid syndrome requires heavy metal detoxification.
Oestrogen dominance affects thyroid hormones and encourages fat accumulation. Take a good, slow release multivitamin and mineral supplement. Lugol’s iodine, digestive bitters and exercise help to break down and clear excess oestrogen. 2-4 teaspoons of ground-up flax seeds every day speeds up the process and so does a lot of fresh raw salads and fruit. Avoid meat and dairy that is not organic. Vitamin B6 keeps water retention under control.
Stabilize blood sugar and insulin reactions with a proper eating plan that is low in carbohydrates. Eat frequent small meals consisting of a portion of protein and healthy fats like walnuts, almonds, eggs or fish with unlimited salads and vegetables. Avoid very sweet fruit and starchy foods. Take chrome supplements and zinc to improve insulin activity.
Take ¼ teaspoon of cinnamon mixed with a little blackstrap molasses before every meal or snack. This prevents hunger due to insulin resistance after the meal. It also helps to reactivate leptin, the hormone that makes you feel satisfied. Coleus Forskohlii boosts leptin sensitivity and helps with fat burning. Taking a pinch of cayenne pepper with each meal also does. Mix a little with butter and swallow it quickly if you don’t want hot food every time. Coleus and cayenne are good for asthma too!
Root out the Parasites and Pathogens
First deal with parasites, microbes and mycotoxins (moulds). They rob you of nutrients and release toxic residues that cause acidity. Take herbal remedies, deworm yourself and the pets. Some people use electronic zappers or Rife frequencies to good effect, especially to deal with bloating caused by candidiasis that increases fluid retention in fat cells. Candidiasis is when yeast converts to a harmful mould that destroys all your B-vitamins including vitamin B6.
First Flush the Kidneys, Then the Liver, Gallbladder, Bowel and Lymph
Make fresh juice from parsley, celery, lemon juice and apples or cucumber. Eating just watermelon all morning is also an effective kidney flusher. It is important to have healthy kidneys prior to heavy metal detoxification and liver and gallbladder flushing. Being more alkaline and having adequate calcium and magnesium supplements prevents kidney stones. Otherwise calcium is removed from your bones, resulting in osteoporosis. Take magnesium chloride or “Concentrace” drops with vitamin B6 to prevent kidney stones.
Clean out the liver, gallbladder and digestive tract. Eat fat free for two days. On the second afternoon take 1-2 teaspoons of Epsom salts mixed in hot water, cooled down. Repeat 1 hour after supper. At bedtime take ½ cup olive oil mixed with ½ cup lemon juice. Next morning take more Epsom salts. Wait for the gush of gallstones and expel all the old muck. Then eat normally but not junk foods. 90% of the cases resulting in gallbladder removal are due to wheat tolerance. Eat only what suits you – watch out for gluten!
The liver flush usually eases a lot of constipation but fecal may be so vast, old and impacted as to need a few sessions of colonic irrigation. It is highly recommended in cases of obesity, cancer and heart problems. Remember that 60% of a normal bowel movement is made out of beneficial gut flora combined with bile. If this is not the case – go have it all flushed out! (Then see my articles on probiotics!)
Lymph drainage is important every day. Dry brush the arms and legs towards the torso with a rough towel. Have a mineral bath. Jump on a rebound trampoline for 20 minute sessions as this clears out sluggish lymph channels. Drink plenty of water with mineral drops or lemon juice. Have a professional treatment if congestion is severe.
Make Your Constitution More Alkaline
Systemic acidity encourages inflammation and as soon as LDL cholesterol begins to oxidize it becomes sticky and adheres to artery walls. It converts to oestrogen, pumps up the fat cells and you gain weight. Add 2-3 teaspoons of lemon juice to your first and last glass of water every day. Rub salt onto lemon slices and eat them with meals. Drink a Himalayan salt “sole” solution in the mornings or Concentrace mineral drops.
Take tissue salts: NAT PHOS and NAT SULPH. At bedtime take calcium and magnesium to prevent calcium loss during the night. Remember that reacting badly to stress makes one acidic, so take a deep breath and rather smile yourself off the cortisol. Laugh and have fun instead. You will soon feel absolutely fantastic!
The type1/type2 allergy relief program by Dr Alan Levin. Publisher: Tarcher 1983 ISBN 0-87477-258-3
The Anti-Ageing Zone by Barry Sears. Publisher: Harper Collins 1999 ISBN 0 7225 3860 X
Low Blood Sugar by Martin Budd. Publisher: Thorsons 1995 ISBN 0 7225 31192
The Cure for All Diseases by Hulda Regehr Clark. Publisher: Promotion Publishing 1995 ISBN 1 – 887314 – 02 -4
Natural Alternatives to dieting by Marilyn glenville. Publisher: Kyle Cathie Ltd. 1999. ISBN 1 85626 317 7
Nutrition & Healing by J V Wright. Vol 3 No 1, Vol 4 No 10, Vol 9 No 6, Vol 6 No 10. Fleet Street Publications
Copyright Sue Visser. Contact the author to obtain permission for republication.