PLEASE NOTE All the research papers on this Web have been written by Sue Visser and will be forming part of a book she is writing. Although you are welcome to read them, you will have to ask for permission to publish or lecture about any part of her original work. You would be held responsible for any errors they might contain. (There are often important updates that have to be included.)
Calcium and magnesium with appropriate vitamins, minerals and trace elements lay the key foundation for over 300 metabolic processes to take place every day in your body. The link between over 150 common ailments such as: cramps, headaches fatigue, hyperactivity, low blood sugar, depression, poor circulation, osteoporosis, constipation, gum disease, etc. involves correct mineral and trace element metabolism. If the body
The most abundant mineral in our body is calcium. A 90kg (200 pound) adult human has around 13.5 Kg (30 pounds) of bone mass. 99% of the calcium is deposited in them. As little as 200mg of our calcium is circulated in the bloodstream at any given time. Without this critical amount serious problems can occur. This is why the bones act as a back up system to keep our vital organs functioning. Bone density has to be sacrificed whenever the blood becomes acidic ( below a pH of 7.4 if calcium and other alkalizing minerals are not being supplied at a sufficient level). Minerals that circulate around the heart have a critical ratio of calcium to magnesium to potassium for regulating the heart beat. Calcium and magnesium are vital to the metabolism of every living cell. Vitamin & mineral deficiencies are an underlying cause of many diseases.
The major cause of osteoporosis in South Africa is due to deficiencies of magnesium,copper and boron and not calcium.As calcium carbonate is cheap and abundant it is a popular antacid or calcium supplement. Unfortunately it disturbs the homeostasis of your stomach acid. Other adverse side effects of taking calcium on it’s own are: constipation, kidney stones, the calcification of soft tissue (especially around injuries and joints) and the danger of hypercalcemia. These conditions are prevented by including magnesium.
Ideally we should absorb and assimilate all the calcium we need from a good diet and dairy products. Although the calcium in most foods adds up to an impressive total, the paradox is that some foods rob us of even more calcium just to be digested. Substances like phosphates, phytates, fibre, bran, fat and sugar bond readily to calcium and render it unavailable to the body. Many populations with very high rates of osteoporosis consume large quantities of dairy products. Milk, protein, processed foods rich in phosphates, and medications like cortisone produce acidic residues and need calcium to balance the blood pH.
Oestrogens can prevent the loss of calcium from bones but there are many risks attached. Blood pH cannot be maintained if the bones stop supplying calcium. Cancer develops in tissues that become acidic. Breast and uterine cancer are common side effects of oestrogen interference. If sufficient calcium is not freely available to maintain the heartbeat, heart attacks may occur. Progesterone promotes the replacement of bone tissue. Calcitonin from the parathyroid glands controls the rate of bone metabolism.Statistics form research published in the British Medical Journal (1993) show up to 11% increases of bone density in women on HRT who also took regular calcium and magnesium supplements. Taking cortisone increases the risk of osteoporosis.
Cancer cells only thrive and multiply in acidic conditions where there is a lack of oxygen. At a pH of 7,4 the blood brings more oxygen to cells. The bones keep a supply of calcium available for this, but if it is not replaced, the bones begin to thin and become brittle. Calcium reserves should be developed before the age of 30.
Every day they are inspected by a monitoring process that breaks down weak areas. This reject tissue is released into the bloodstream and the minerals are used by the body. The calcium neutralizes acidity or bonds to toxic molecules,rendering them inactive and ready for excretion. The new intake of correctly prepared magnesium, calcium and other minerals is then sent to the bone to rebuild broken down areas. It’s a continuous and natural process for all growing children, teenagers and men as well as women regardless of age.
Most of the bone repair, growth and maintenance work is done when we sleep. This explains why more calcium is excreted at night. The evening meal should provide calcium but we do not always eat according to the perfect formula. Thus, it makes sense to take a dose of calcium and magnesium regularly at bedtime. This also helps one to relax, sleep well and prevents cramps as a bonus!
Vitamins play a major role in bone formation: Vitamin C, D and B6 are vital to the process and need adequate zinc to be activated.The right amount of copper is required to balance the zinc. Boron is important for preventing calcium loss in urine and enhances bone development as well as hormonal secretions.It is also beneficial for sore joints. Potassium is required to prevent mineral loss.
Can we obtain all the nutrients we need from a normal diet? Our soil is deficient and so is the food grown in it.With so much super refined acid forming junk food on the market, the need for adequate mineral supplementation has never been greater.The symptoms of mineral deficiencies are so vast and varied we need to begin to take note of what our bones are telling us before they begin to crumble: hyperactivity,asthma,nervous disorders,cramps,aches and pains,indigestion,cancer,heart disease, fingernails that break and split,loose teeth,gum disease,fatigue and lowered resistance to infections tell us enough. It is reassuring to note that adequate mineral supplementation with a good balance of vitamins and micronutrients and a few dietary changes can help to cure and prevent most of these conditions.It’s never too late or too early to take calcium supplements.
At the age of 120 a Japanese man claimed he owed his flawless condition to drinking lots and lots of water.A closer analysis of his water supply showed that the coral sand that had dissolved in it had a rich yield of highly potentized alkaline minerals.But in addition to this,the old man took at least one gram of calcium every day with adequate magnesium. Proof enough that the way to be healthy and prevent degenerative diseases depends on providing a good balance of alkaline minerals along with a healthy diet and lifestyle.
If you have tried taking calcium before and haven’t noticed any improvements, then you may not have been doing it properly.How soon can we expect to feel the effects of taking a good calcium supplement? Ideally you should notice an immediate improvement in sleeping habits and bowel function. Your nerves will be steadier. Menstrual cramps ease off and premenstrual tension symptoms improve as the calcium level of the blood is usually very low at these times. After a while the skin improves,joint aches and pains begin to diminish and your finger nails get a lot harder and stronger.Loose teeth and bleeding gums firm up and become healthy again.As for the bones? They are silent and you can’t feel if the density has increased.
If all the other symptoms are clearing up you will be well on your way to showing better results when you have a bone scan.Osteoporosis can be prevented.The ideal time to build up bone density is in your teens but it’s never too late to prevent further bone loss.If you still suffer from cramps,aches and pains,frequent colds,insomnia, irritability ,loose teeth,constipation or stiff joints after taking calcium supplements for over a month you may need a more comprehensive form of supplement. You may be taking your supplement incorrectly or getting too little calcium.
We are never told to look after our bones at an early age. From the womb to the tomb, calcium is the most abundant mineral in your body. The newborn baby pulls all its calcium out of the mother’s body. It has to be replaced before the end of the bone loading phase that lasts for about twenty years. After this, the skeleton will have to provide calcium if regular supplies are not available. When osteoporosis is detected, the damage has already been done. Before this, tell tale signs of calcium deficiencies show up at a very early age. They are: Nervous upsets(hyperactivity), irregular heartbeat, soft bones(osteomalacia), menstrual cramps. low blood sugar and all its side effects including asthma, allergies and chronic fatigue.
We think calcium supplements are too expensive. Calcium costs a few cents a day. We spend money on sweets and treats that help to rob the valuable calcium from our bones but never give arthritis, rheumatism and hip replacements another thought until the bills arrive. Prevention is very cheap but with osteoporosis gaining the upper hand every year in South Africa and other developing countries who make more money out of treating the disease than preventing it, its no wonder people think they can’t afford a calcium supplement. Especially if it cannot be covered by medical aid and used on prescription.
Not everybody likes taking calcium pills and powders. People are too lazy to mix up powdered supplements and take them every night. Some mothers are too busy to mix up a calcium enriched health drink for their kids. Some kids rebel and won’t even chew the pills. Some associate calcium with wanting to vomit or having heartburn. There will always be excuses.
We don’t feel them doing us any good. Until you find the right supplement and take enough of it you will not notice any immediate difference. At the onset of menstrual cramps, 500 mg of calcium and 200 mg of magnesium has a spectacular effect. This is because the blood levels of these minerals drop according to hormonal changes. Usually the skeleton provides calcium but often it is not released because of hormonal activity. The body then experiences calcium deficiencies that manifest as ailments.
Osteoporosis is what old ladies get and it won’t happen to us With the increase in eating disorders and widespread malnutrition our bones are getting weaker every year at an earlier age. All because of our reluctance to take our 500 – 1000 mg of calcium daily. If you know somebody who has had a hip replacement they will tell you how much it cost (about R50,000 ). They can tell you about the time spent in hospital and the painkillers they needed. Ask them if they knew this would happen to them and they could have seen into the future, would they have taken calcium supplements to prevent it? Next time you see shrunken and bent men and women with big humps on their necks, shuffling with walking sticks or in wheel chairs remember that it could be you one day.
Many doctors insist that it is perfectly safe to take calcium by itself. Calcium carbonate is the cheapest form of calcium to take and costs a few cents. Tums tablets contain 500mg of calcium and are identical to any other calcium carbonate tablet that costs a few rand. Without magnesium, calcium does not metabolize correctly, no matter how the experts argue about it. Kidney stones develop with the excess calcium and the first sign of discomfort is constipation as the free calcium bonds to fats and forms an immovable mass in the bowel. By adding sufficient magnesium to the calcium, regular bowel habits can be established. Rennies tablets contain a good source of calcium and magnesium and so do dolomite tablets.
Calcium deposits will accumulate in the kidneys without magnesium and other factors that control the correct uptake of calcium into bone tissue.
Excess calcium will not bond correctly to osteocytes without magnesium. Uncontrolled calcium deposits form spiny outgrowths around ends of bones at points where a lot of calcium has already been leeched from the bone. Spurs are an indication of poor calcium metabolism. The tissue salt CALC FLUOR when taken in sufficient quantities can correct this disorder. MALABSORPTION : Tablets may not always work for patients lacking in stomach acid as they cannot dissolve properly. People have been known to excrete expensive tablets intact and their calcium deficiencies remain untreated. Stomach acidity can be increased with supplements of Vitamin B5 (calcium D pantothenate)
A full 5ml measure of calcium powder may cause nausea or vomiting in rare cases. This may happen for the following reason: Not everybody can tolerate a large one off dose of calcium. This is usually due to gastric hyperacidity or the presence of severe acid/alkaline imbalances that have accumulated due to poor eating habits, stress and the gradual onset of degenerative diseases. It is best to increase the dose gradually. These guidelines can help you to take calcium more effectively without having any bad reactions:
The following drink is an excellent substitute for sugary soft drinks in summer: Add ½ teaspoon CALCIUM COMPLEX to a glass of chilled water with ice.Mix in ¼ teaspoon of citric acid or lemon juice. This changes the pH from 7 to 5 which is acidic.(Citric acid is available from your supermarket) You can add a sugar free sweetener or fructose.
Start with ¼ teaspoon once or twice a day and gradually take more as you adjust. It tastes good in yoghurt, milkshakes or fruit smoothies made in the blender.Nobody has objected to these drinks.
Take the supplement at bedtime on an empty stomach. Calcium is best tolerated at bedtime and ensures a good night’s sleep as many will confirm.
We think we get plenty of calcium from the food we eat. Although many foods are rich in calcium, it may be bound to sugar, fat and fibre in foods like milk, grains and leafy vegetables. Some people call this “organic calcium” but it cannot be assimilated. Phytic acid found in fibre or phosphates and protein found in milk rob the body of even more calcium.
We have too many other pills and medications to take. Do we really need calcium?
As the body can only absorb 20% of the calcium you take it is better to have it in small quantities throughout the day.The easiest way to do this is by drinking it in your daily water,fruit juices or sports drinks.We also need calcium before bedtime as most of the “reject” calcium is excreted at night..A teaspoon of NATURE FRESH CALCIUM COMPLEX once or twice a day is what the average person needs to replace mineral loss and build up bone tissue as well as supply calcium and magnesium and trace elements for over 300 metabolic processes that take place on a continuous basis.
The finely powdered formulation includes the following vitamins and minerals:
CALCIUM, MAGNESIUM, ZINC, SODIUM, POTASSIUM, COPPER, BORON, VITAMIN C, VITAMIN D & VITAMIN B6 with enough fruit acids to balance the pH to 7(neutral) .This enables the calcium to be ionized by stomach acid without disturbing it’s rate of flow for normal digestion .Homeopathic tissue salts that play key roles in the distribution of minerals in the body have also been included at potencies of D3,D6,D10: calc phos, calc sulph, nat phos, kali mur, nat sulph, nat mur, etc. By taking a teaspoon of CALCIUM COMPLEX at a time you receive at least half the recommended daily allowance of :calcium,magnesium,zinc,copper,vitamin C,vitamin B6 and vitamin D.
If you add up what it usually costs to get these supplements individually, you can see why this product is so cost effective.The whole family can now take it. SAFETY:Calcium from fish bones, dolomite, mineral water, bone meal,etc. can contain toxins like lead and arsenic that occur naturally in these materials.Dairy products often contain hormones and antibiotics. We only use pure ingredients.
For a few cents a day you can take calcium in a form that the body can use more effectively. As the formulation includes electrolytes like sodium (bicarbonate and chloride) and potassium it can be used as a sports drink when added to diluted natural fruit juice.This also prevents mineral loss after sweating, diarrhoea, etc.
Calcium and magnesium deficiencies can be linked to over 150 common ailments such as cramps, headaches, constipation, fatigue, skin disorders, hyperactivity, low blood sugar, depression, poor circulation, painful joints, skin infections, mouth and gum infections, osteoporosis, etc. These minerals are involved in over 300 metabolic processes every day and their most important role is in maintaining the alkalinity of the blood. This enables oxygen to be carried to all parts of the body effectively and prevents acid bulid up in the cells which leads to diseases like cancer. You will begin to notice many changes taking place in your body and soon you will see that calcium is not just for old ladies! Please ask your health shop or pharmacy to stock this product for you. You are never too old or too young to start taking calcium. Now the whole family can afford to take NATURE FRESH CALCIUM SUPPLEMENTS daily to lay a good strong foundation for a healthy body.

Nature Fresh Calcium Complex Tablets
Customer Q and A on Calcium
GERD (heartburn) relieved by nature Fresh Calcium complex?
Q: Well done on fabulous products! Your products are truly affordable and your Calcium Complex has had a positive effect on my GERD problem. I have no idea why, but thank you.
A: Our stomach acid needs to be maintained at a pH of 2 (as acidic as vinegar or lemon juice) As we get older, the acid weakens and so the bottom valve of the stomach does not stay tightly closed. The stomach acid creeps up and you have the GERD sensation. It is not an excess of acidity, merely the presence of stomach acid that does not belong in the throat! To close the valve, don’t drink antacids because they further weaken the acid. Our Calcium complex has been adjusted to neutral, so this is probably why you feel relief. The best remedy for an acute attack is ¼ glass of water with 1 teaspoon of anything acidic you can find – lemon juice, citric acid, apple cider vinegar or plain old vinegar. Some people eat a gherkin or some other pickle and to their surprise it immediately stops the burning.
The following drink is an excellent substitute for sugary soft drinks in summer: Add ½ teaspoon CALCIUM COMPLEX to a glass of chilled water with ice. .Mix in ¼ teaspoon of citric acid, apple cider vinegar or lemon juice. This changes the pH from 7 to 5 which is more acidic (Citric acid is available from your supermarket) You can add a sugar free sweetener or fructose. here is more information about why our Calcium complex is so fabulous!
Calmag tablets that taste too fizzy. Back to the original formula
Q ) Sue, I cannot palate the new fizzy tablets that seem to be the “compressed version of the powder” in the large tub.
I have used this tablet for years and years. I avoided the fizz of the powder drink.
I cannot put these tablets in my mouth and have them bubble up the way they do.
The original tablet was a chalky, bland, easy to swallow tablet.
A ) I know what you mean about those vile, fizzy tablets. They were made by a company who suddenly had to take over from our original manufacturer when sold his machinery to them. We have now managed to replicate the original “chalky” tablet by changing the binder. After a lot of tantrums all round, they finally realized that the original formulation I developed over 20 years ago should not have been tinkered with. However, some p love them, especially kids. As you said: “the original tablet was a chalky, bland, easy to swallow tablet”
Thanks for your letter I shall treasure it. We try to uphold tradition. The fact is, those original round tablets reversed osteoporosis according to scans sent to us from a very happy old lady way back then! We hope you never need a walking stick! We would like to replace your tub of fizzies with our new round tablets. According our team, they are really excellent! Please give us your delivery details.
Response) Thank you soooo much for your reply! It’s good news for my soul (and bones n muscles) indeed. Wow. I can’t wait to have my tablets again! How wonderful to know things will be back to normal. Yes, those original tablets reversed mine too. That’s why I’m so keen to continue with them.
A ) I am always thrilled to hear about osteoporosis reversal with my formulation. In 1997 I was publicly ridiculed by the SA Osteoporosis foundation. They told the readers of their nationwide magazine that I was trying to confuse everybody by adding magnesium. During one of their lectures at UCT I put up my hand and asked about boron? Everybody stared at me – shocked, horrified that somebody without a white coat was suggesting an alien ingredient! So please tell us your story, with any scans you may have as I appreciate clinical evidence to add to our data base. Anybody else you know of? Such support can strengthen our argument that we need supplements, not prescribed drugs with harmful side effects to do the job.
I was diagnosed with osteopaeni after a bone density scan in the mid 90’s. I’d had an hysterectomy, non-removal of ovaries. I wasn’t coping with hot flushes and hair loss etc. I went onto natural progesterone cream and these tablets and barley green drink. Everything swung back to normal. I never went for another bone density I don’t have documentation of the change….
My life changed after the tablet changed. I couldn’t bare them, I worried that I was taking a tablet that had become inferior. So I didnt take them every day. My muscles ached and stiffness set in after aquarobics and after ANY unusual harsh activity. (I walked the Camino in Spain in 2013 without a moment of stiffness).So these were signs that I needed to do something about tissue salts supplementation!