Radio interview with Sue Visser: 24th November 2016
How to control your weight during the holiday season
Most people who are stuck in the fat channel are not big eaters. We get frustrated with trying so many diets and slimming remedies because they do not really address the main causes of obesity
Q ) Why do we really gain weight and why do some diets work for one person but not another?
Some health experts now agree that we have different body types, blood types and metabolic rates. Some of us burn fat by eating food that makes other people fat. People who are wheat intolerant become more addicted to junk foods. They eat more and more, especially during the holidays.
Q ) Some of us can just look at food and gain weight or become obese. Has it got something to do with hormones?
Yes, especially hormones that control our appetite, metabolism, stress reactions and reproduction or what we call birth control and HRT. But gluten, dairy or blood type intolerance, stress reactions, inflammation, heavy metal toxicity, insulin resistance and parasites – especially candidiasis and are generally factors that weight loss products do not address.
An eating plan that really suits your body type as well as blood type, hormonal requirements and lifestyle is a specialized undertaking. It is best to consult with a registered Dietician or Practitioner skilled in Natural Protocols to do the fine tuning.
Face your fat factors to lose weight. Article here
Hormones behaving badly
1 Oestrogen: Fat cells increase and swell up with fluid when oestrogen levels get too high. Fat cells produce inflammatory chemicals. Birth control pills, hormone replacements and oestrogen from the diet provoke weight gaining tendencies. The fatter you get, the more oestrogen you make out of androgenic hormones like testosterone. Men also gain weight when oestrogen gets out of control. Excessive oestrogen shuts down thyroid activity and causes more weight gain along with sluggishness, junk food cravings and depression.
2 Thyroid: Heavy metal toxicity combined with meal skipping or starvation sets off a secondary thyroid response: reverse thyroid hormone (RT3) that actively resists fuel burning and encourages fat accumulation. Some foods are low in kilojoules, like cabbage, kale and broccoli; but they are goitrogenic: meaning they inhibit the thyroid output and slow down your metabolism. Hormones, not food are what really make you fat! Gluten intolerance can harm the thyroid even more.
3 Insulin: Insulin resistance is due to an excessive and almost continuous intake of sugar and refined starches in search of “energy”. Insulin cannot pump sugar into hungry cells if we have a magnesium deficiency. Non-nutritive sweeteners also stimulate the release of insulin and can result in insulin resistance and hypoglycaemia. Slowing down insulin reactions with whole grain foods, more fibre, protein and good fats is helpful. Adding acid to sweet fruits also calms down insulin reactions: lemon juice, apple cider vinegar or citric acid. The skin of sour, green fruit is rich in chromium and so are green beans. To improve sensitivity add ¼ teaspoon of cinnamon powder to food and by taking zinc and chrome supplement.
4 PCOS: PCOS or the polycystic ovarian syndrome is a cluster of symptoms, beginning with insulin resistance. It causes a rise in DHT (dihydrotestosterone) and releases it directly into the bloodstream. This hormone can cause weight gain, infertility, adult acne and balding or beard hair and ovaries that enlarge into cysts. It is caused by eating more sugar and refined carbohydrates than the pancreas can handle at one time. Chasteberry tincture helps to modify these effects but control over insulin is far more important.
5 Cortisol: Cortisol is an anabolic steroid hormone and opposes fat burning. When we are constantly stressed, the excess cortisol we generate causes the waistline to expand, resulting in the “apple shape”. Inflammatory responses, insulin resistance and systemic acidity take their toll. Eating or not eating then causes one to become helplessly, morbidly obese. Sound familiar? But to control inflammation, the drug of choice is cortisol, known as cortisone or prednisone. Why? Even if asthma has been caused by a wheat intolerance or food reaction
6 Leptin: This hormone controls satiation and we feel full after a meal. Leptin resistant laboratory rats keep eating and expanding till they almost explode! Insulin resistance and leptin resistance go and in hand, and so do carbohydrate and sugar cravings.
Blood type conflicts
Lectins are chemicals in food that can disrupt insulin or thyroid activity and cause inflammation and weight gain. For all blood types, an overriding gluten (wheat, rye, barley and occasionally oats) or dairy (lactose or casein) intolerance may also be present. What are the dominant fat foods for each blood type?
Blood type A – worst foods: kidney beans, lima beans, chick peas (hummus), potatoes and sweet potatoes. For them, the lectins they contain bind to insulin receptors and stimulate the growth of fat. 20% of blood type A’s do not secrete antigens in the saliva or digestive tract, (non-secretors) so wheat and maize will also cause weight gain and immune reactions for this sub-type A.
Blood type B – worst: lentils (dhal) all wheat, maize, buckwheat and rye products, chickpeas (hummus), peanuts, coconut and for non-secretors: soya products, potatoes and fructose.
Blood type AB – worst: chick peas (hummus), buckwheat, sorghum, lima and kidney beans, coconut, sago, tapioca, sesame and sunflower seeds. Non-secretors: all wheat products cause weight gain or immune reactions.
Blood type O – worst: all wheat and maize products, sorghum, kidney beans, barley and peanuts. Cabbage in excess blocks thyroid hormones. Secretors: lentils. Non-secretors: chick peas, oats and all soya products. Simple sugars and carbohydrates – true for all, but insulin resistance is most prevalent in this sub-group.
Food that disagrees attracts parasites and makes you fat:
Addiction to foods containing wheat or blood specific lectins cause: inflammation, high histamine levels, thyroid restriction, blood thickening, fat accumulation and acidity. These foods form sticky residues that become a restaurant for parasites, especially tapeworms, flukes and other microbes including deadly moulds called mycotoxins (candidiasis). They invade the gut lining and cause swelling, bloating and water retention. They inhibit the absorption of vitamins and minerals from the gut. A diet rich in natural probiotics keeps them under control. Herbal parasite remedies and especially olive leaf need to be taken regularly.
10 ways to spring clean for more effective slimming.
1 First fix the adrenals:
Stress causing constant cortisol output and inflammation makes you fat, weak and tired. Take adaptogens, a good multivitamin, calcium and magnesium and 100 mg vitamin B5 2x per day but discuss this protocol with your practitioner. Cortisone treatment causes profuse weight gain in some people. Clean out gluten, milk and other intolerances that may be to blame in the first place. Seek counselling for controlling stress reactions.
2 Boost up the thyroid:
As soon as the adrenals are strong enough, then select Lugol’s iodine or Coleus tincture if thyroid activity is too low. Avoid foods that interfere with the thyroid, known as goitrogens like excess cabbage (a little sauerkraut is fine), kale, broccoli, cauliflower and millet. Ask a practitioner who is skilled in Natural Medicine to balance thyroid hormones, concentrating on T3 conversion (instead of upping the Eltroxin -T4 all the time) Blood tests are not reliable, so ask for a 24 hour urine test to also check oestrogen, adrenal and other hormones. RT3, the reverse thyroid syndrome requires heavy metal detoxification. (Also see the article about thyroid problems in issue 32.)
3 Oestrogen reduction:
Digestive bitters, B vitamins, fibre, Lugol’s iodine and exercise help to break down and clear excess oestrogen. Oestrogen dominance also affects thyroid hormones so have 2 teaspoons of ground-up flax seeds every day. It also keeps hot flushes at bay. Vitamin B6 keeps water retention under control. Cut the saturated fat and consume more anti-inflammatory Omega 3 oil. Boost natural progesterone levels with Chasteberry, flax seeds and probiotics.
4 Deal with parasites, microbes and mycotoxins (moulds):
Parasites rob you of nutrients and release toxic residues that cause acidity. Take herbal remedies, deworm yourself and the pets. Some people use electronic zappers of Rife frequencies to good effect, especially to deal with bloating caused by candidiasis that increases fluid retention in fat cells. Candidiasis is when yeast converts to a harmful mould that destroys all your B-vitamins including vitamin B6. Take probiotics and eat sauerkraut, natural yoghurt, maas and fermented foods like olives and pickles to maintain hormonal balance, root out parasites and strengthen immunity.
5 Flush out the kidneys:
Make fresh juice from parsley, celery, lemon juice and apples or cucumber. Take magnesium chloride or “Concentrace” drops with vitamin B6 to prevent kidney stones. Eating just watermelon all morning is also an effective kidney flusher. It is important to have healthy kidneys prior to heavy metal detoxification and liver and gallbladder flushing. Being more alkaline and having adequate calcium and magnesium supplements prevents kidney stones. Otherwise calcium is removed from your bones, resulting in osteoporosis.
6 Heavy metal removal:
Make a morning juice out of: 1 cup water, ½ cup fresh coriander leaves (dhania), 1 cup parsley, 1 chopped apple, ½ lemon. Drink half of it at once. Eat apples all morning and take 10 chlorella tablets, to bind the toxins as they loosen. Eat a lot of garlic to protect blood cells. In the evening take a calcium and magnesium supplement. Repeat this process for 3 days every week. 2-4 sessions should lessen the load. It is often a major cause of infertility, but most important is the effect heavy metals have on the thyroid, and hence weight gain.
7 Clean out the liver, gallbladder and digestive tract:
Eat fat free for two days. On the second afternoon take 1-2 teaspoons of Epsom salts mixed in hot water, cooled down. Repeat 1 hour after supper. At bedtime take ½ cup olive oil mixed with ½ cup lemon juice. Next morning take more Epsom salts. Wait for the gush of gallstones and expel all the old muck. Then eat normally but not junk foods.
8 Lymphatic drainage:
Dry brush the arms and legs towards the torso with a rough towel. Have a mineral bath. Jump on a rebound trampoline for 20 minute sessions as this clears out sluggish lymph channels. Drink plenty of water with mineral drops or lemon juice. Have a professional treatment if congestion is severe.
9 Make yourself more alkaline:
Systemic acidity encourages inflammation and as soon as LDL cholesterol begins to oxidize it becomes sticky and adheres to artery walls. It converts to oestrogen, pumps up the fat cells and you gain weight. Add 2-3 teaspoons of lemon juice to your first and last glass of water every day. Rub salt onto lemon slices and eat them with meals. Drink a Himalayan salt “sole” solution in the mornings or Concentrace mineral drops. Take tissue salts: NAT PHOS and NAT SULPH. At bedtime take calcium and magnesium to prevent calcium loss during the night. Remember that reacting badly to stress makes one acidic, so take a deep breath and rather smile off the cortisol.
10 Stabilize blood sugar and insulin reactions with a proper eating plan
Take chrome supplements and zinc to improve insulin activity. Eat frequent small meals consisting of a portion of protein and healthy fats like walnuts, almonds, eggs or fish with unlimited salads and vegetables. Avoid very sweet fruit and starchy foods. For a pick me up: replace fizzy drinks and junk snacks with this powerful remedy: drink a cup of boiling water with 2 teaspoons of bitter blackstrap molasses. Add 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon to enhance insulin uptake. You will be surprised how good you feel for the rest of the day. Have more after dinner. Some diabetics say they also enjoy it, especially when they fast. After 3 weeks on a blood type diet most people lose weight easily.
Slimming article here
Megaslim diet plan
(Your free copy of the MEGASLIM package insert.)
Dear slimmer,
It can be frustrating and even frightening to carry weight you are trying to get rid of. It creeps up or even overwhelms you and no matter how hard you try, it stays there. You may have already become morbidly obese, diabetic and desperate. Welcome to the MEGASLIM protocol! You can follow this advice without taking the capsules or the coleus tincture. It’s up to you. But results are quicker and more profound if you do decide to take both MEGASLIM and coleus tincture.
There is no charge for all this information. The MEGASLIM PROTOCOL is based on simple, logical dietary advice and you will have to apply it yourself. The results are excellent, reliable and will transform you. But please, continue with the new lifestyle and eating habits. Study the extra notes on thyroid function, coleus and iodine as they may highlight your weight problem. We are here to help and encourage you all the way down to your ideal weight – and to keep it there. But it’s up to you!
Choose the foods that suit you best
Lose weight at your own pace
Go lean but: Never go hungry
Control your hormones to control your weight
Foods marked* are not suited to all blood types and can react. Unsuitable carbohydrates cause stubborn weight gain. Exclude items you are intolerant/allergic to: especially gluten (in bread)
Average portions are listed. Increase amounts for a large, active person.Reduce portions if you are petite or inactive. Eat mostly from the unlimited food choices and cut down on the fats and carbohydrates gradually.
Make daily and varied choices from this list and add restricted foods if they suit your blood type and allergy profile. After adjusting for a few days, start on smaller carbohydrate, fat and protein portions.
Eating a good balance every 3-4 hours speeds weight loss. Stick to the 7 step plan. Drink a glass of water every 2 hours. Take water along when you drive in traffic or go for walks. Stay very active and try to have 1 hour of high intensity exercise 3 – 4 times a week. During detoxification you will eliminate a lot. Remember to chew food slowly and eat starches dry to reduce hunger. Do not be in a hurry to lose weight and centimetres – you will feel it dropping!
Keep up this way of eating and take your supplements, even when you have reached your goal. Prepare a lot of portions at once: soup, bean dips, protein combinations, salads and snacks: nuts, cheese biltong, fruit, rice crackers.
Bring portions with you to prevent slacking off with takeaways. Stay away from sugar: sweets, ice cream, cake, etc. and especially no diet sweeteners.
Eat savoury foods instead but avoid fatty fries and chips. Cutting out gluten and dairy products helps to speed up weight loss: no bread or pasta, pizza, hamburgers, sandwiches, rolls, cake or biscuits. Learn to say: NO! Use the 7 step plan to control insulin and the hunger / weight gain syndrome.
1 egg, 1 turkey breast, 1 fish fillet, 1 tablespoon: canned tuna or: herring or: pilchard or: mackerel or: sardines.
2 tablespoons cooked ostrich or turkey mince. *1 matchbox size Feta cheese or *1 tablespoon cottage cheese, *½ cup yoghurt. *1 tablespoon soya protein, *1 tablespoon whey powder.
First choice is gluten-free: ½ cup wheat free Pro Nutro or: cooked millet or: cooked sorghum. *1 cup popcorn. ½ cup brown rice, wild rice or basmati rice. ½ cup cooked dried yellow peas or black-eyed beans or Haricot or butter beans, *lentils and *chick peas.
Contains gluten: *1 big slice rye bread or 2 crackers, *1 slice brown bread,* ½ cup oats or muesli.
2 brown rice cakes, 4 rice crackers, ½ cup: boiled *potato, *pumpkin, carrots or butternut or turnips or parsnips. They can also be grated up raw or used in juices.
Monounsaturated oil: 1 teaspoon olive, canola or rice bran oil. 4 walnuts, 8 almonds, ½ cup pumpkin seeds or ground-up flax seeds, 2 teaspoons mayonnaise, 1 teaspoon butter. 4 olives.*1/2 cup peanuts, sesame and sunflower seeds. *1/4 Avocado pear.
Fresh: grapes, apples, apricots, peaches, plums, oranges, bananas. Honey, blackstrap molasses, dates, raisins, prunes.
Nature Fresh MEGASLIM 2X per day with optional: MEGAMAX, Coleus or Tribulus Terrestris tincture. As recommended for your condition: Nature Fresh Calcium & Magnesium plus hormone balancers: Red Clover, Black Cohosh, Chasteberry and Red Sweet Potato. Other products: Multivitamin, Omega 3 oil
1 WAKING UP 1X MEGASLIM, 1 glass water. Stretching & exercise.
2 BREAKFAST 1 carbohydrate, 1 protein portion. 1 fat. Veg. juice. Other supplements. (plus: unlimited list)
3 MID-MORNING 1 fruit 1 protein. If still hungry, chew nut, seed & Pro Nutro mix. Drink water.
4 LUNCH 1X MEGASLIM, 2 protein, 1 carbohydrate, 2 fats. (plus: unlimited list) Tea *coffee.
5 AFTERNOON Same as mid morning. Exercise, fresh air, intensive activity. Drink water.
6 SUPPER (7-8pm) 2 carbohydrate, 2 protein, 2 fat. 1 natural sugar treat. Tea *coffee. Drink water.
7 BEDTIME ½ stretch/exercise, chew nut and seed mix. Supplements, eg: Calcium Complex, Omega 3 oil
Grapefruit, lemons, pineapple, pawpaw. Lettuce, onion, celery, spinach, broccoli, green beans (cook and keep for big helpings with every meal!) red, yellow peppers, beetroot, raw butternut. *green peppers,*tomato, *cabbage, *aubergines. Lentil sprouts – grow your own. For juicing: home-grown wheat and barley grass with raw fruit & vegetables and herbs.
1 glass water every 2 hours. Unlimited herb teas (no sweetener), vegetable juices, lemon juice and grapefruit juice.
Cocoa powder, unsweetened: add to cereal or have it black. Limited and if suitable: *coffee or ½ glass wine.
COLEUS FORSKOHLII (200mg per capsule)
Coleus has many fat loss mechanisms: Forskolin in Coleus stimulates signaling agents within adipose tissue, leading to the breakdown of triglycerides and release of fatty acids and glycerol into the bloodstream. During endurance exercise, these fatty acids are extracted from the bloodstream and burned as a fuel to provide ATP energy to the exercising muscle. In turn, fat cells shrink in size, helping overweight patients reduce their body fat more efficiently when there is a resistance to burning fat caused by higher serum insulin levels and insulin resistance (syndrome X). Coleus stimulates digestive enzymes: improving digestion and food assimilation and increases nutrient absorption in the small intestine. It increases thyroid hormone with an increase in metabolism. Activates the hormone sensitive lipase which breaks down fatty tissue. It also helps release stored glycogen from the liver to balance low blood sugar. Additional Coleus supplementation can be taken with MEGASLIM: Use Nature Fresh Coleus tincture.
MILK THISTLE contains SILYMARIN (200mg per capsule) Helps the breakdown of excess hormones like oestrogen and the excretion of cancer forming components. Excellent for liver restoration and it also has remarkable antioxidant properties.Needed for bile and digestive juices.
CINNAMON (100mg per capsule) Cinnamon works like insulin to lower blood sugar when eating carbohydrates. GLYCINE (50mg per capsule). Helps to release stored glucose (glycogen) from the liver to normalise low blood sugar when needed, especially when it drops due to reactive insulin sensitivity. No need for a sugar fix all the time!
NETTLE (URTICA URENS) The mild estrogenic effect of nettles helps to block off oestrogen receptors in fat, breast and prostate cells. It also aids in excreting harmful estrogenic metabolites via the liver.
ZINC Amino acid chelate. (15mg of elemental zinc per capsule.) Adequate zinc prevents testosterone from converting into oestrogen. Zinc is important for the forming of insulin and to improve sweet taste sensations.
CHROMIUM POLYNICOTINATE (200mcg of actives per capsule) This is the safest and most reliable form of chrome to help balance blood sugar, reduce sugar cravings and improve muscle tone. It helps to reduce fatty tissue and build up muscle tissue and improve the body shape and tone.
Liquorice is very important to balance electrolytes in slimmers. It helps to improve cortisol function and raise blood sugar during stress.