Most people experience calcium deficiencies throughout their lives and go to their graves with weakened skeletons. Mother Nature provides us with adequate calcium reserves in our bones and we don’t all replace it at the same rate as we remove it. When no other calcium is being supplied via the diet or supplements and access to the calcium from bones is denied, the body suffers from a crisis in the form of heart attacks, cramps, blood sugar imbalances and metabolic disorders that can have fatal results.
People taking estrogen are particularly at risk as this hormone inhibits bone resorption and encourages blood clotting. We blame our stressful lifestyles for most of our diseases not realizing that our need for alkaline minerals, trace elements and tissue salts increases in direct proportion to the amount of stress that we undertake.
The justification for taking the most obscure and expensive form of calcium is ridiculous. This was indicated by a recent report on experiments undertaken by elitist manufacturers of mineral supplements. A well-balanced formulation containing adequate calcium and magnesium for daily use need not be prohibitively expensive and osteoporosis can easily be prevented and even reversed. There is adequate proof that dolomite or calcium carbonate with magnesium is well absorbed, providing it is ingested at mealtimes.
Most people are warned not to take calcium carbonate because it is used as an antacid when taken for heartburn. Solo supplements of calcium can form kidney stones, constipation and calcified joints. Magnesium prevents calcium from accumulating in soft tissue and ensures that it connects to a transporter protein (called chelation) and latches back onto your bones. Chelated supplements are already bonded to food particles, but your own stomach acid splits off the calcium atoms from the carbonate, lactate, gluconate, or organic compounds and attaches them to digested proteins anyway.
The chemicals used to bind and coat some calcium tablets do not always dissolve in the gut. These pills appear after colonic irrigations and in chemical toilet reservoirs! The proof of the pudding is thus not in the eating, but in the digestion and assimilation of calcium. We need to understand how bones develop and how minerals affect them.
When treating weakened bones or osteoporosis, simplistic forms of calcium are hopelessly inadequate. Bone reconstruction is a complex process and a host of other nutrients are involved.
Women on hormonal treatment can expect an increase in bone density of up to 11% per year providing calcium and magnesium intake are adequate. Without these minerals, estrogen yields a mere 0,6% improvement. (British Medical Journal 1993.) Progesterone favours the return of minerals to bone tissue whereas estrogen merely prevents them from being released into the bloodstream. Other studies in The Lancet magazine confirm that bone density can be regained at the rate of between 5 – 10 % per year on supplements of calcium, magnesium, vitamin C, B6, D3 & zinc. Extensive studies on boron show that this mineral inhibits the urinary excretion of calcium whilst it is essential for the production of estrogen and progesterone.
The inorganic structure of bone resembles the crystalline mineral called apatite. It is composed of calcium phosphate, combined with magnesium, silica, sodium, potassium, chlorine and fluorine with bicarbonate, citrate and water. This porous section of the bone has to bond with the organic structure known as collagen tissue to give the bone strength and flexibility. The bonding of these two materials can only occur within a chemically created electrical field for which the presence of copper is critical. A mineral supplement that included all these substances in a balanced formulation would be ideal. The NATURE FRESH CALCIUM COMPLEX formulation incorporates minerals, vitamins, trace elements, biochemical tissue salts and citric acid in proportions as close as possible to those present in human bone tissue.
The effects of taking NATURE FRESH CALCIUM COMPLEX in tablet or powder form are evident, even after a few days. The following benefits have been experienced by happy and satisfied customers over the years:
A more relaxed feeling and improved sleep. Some people take the product at night instead of sleeping pills.
Improved bowel function and better salivary pH, as confirmed by studies comparing NATURE FRESH to other calcium products. Other health benefits were also experienced and the cost savings are considerable.
Fewer joint pains and muscle cramps especially with sportsmen and teenagers. (Lower levels of lactic acid)
Better complexions, fewer loose teeth and bleeding gums and nice strong, hard fingernails.
Menstrual cramps alleviated by taking this supplement, especially at the beginning of the menstrual cycle.
Improved bone density. Results from scans during six months to a year showed complete reversal of osteoporosis in a patient who took 5 CALCIUM COMPLEX tablets daily for a year without hormone supplements, diet or exercise! Even at 80, a lady showed improved re-calcification on vertebrae of her X rays.
Improvement in many patients with thyroid disorders. They confirmed improved calcium performance in regular bio-resonance scans after taking NATURE FRESH CALCIUM COMPLEX powder every day.
Patients who battle to find a mild calcium supplement respond well to CALMAG FOR KIDS.
Improvement in hyperactive and attention deficit children. CALMAG FOR KIDS helps as part of an overall nutritional regimen to supply zinc and copper, calcium, magnesium and tissue salts to balance brain function, calm the nervous system and improve the sleeping habits of active, growing children.
See details for the Calcium complex powder here
See details for the Calcium Complex Tablets here