How to control Candida
People think that Candida is a disease. It is not!
Candida albicans is a species of unicellular microbes known as yeasts. They make a good meal for our natural killer cells and specialized white blood cells of the immune system. The largest interaction of immune cells takes place in the lower bowel. They team up with friendly species of bacteria we call probiotics that function best in an acid-controlled environment. When all is well, they ward off danger and protect us from infections and toxins like mercury, lead, etc.
They help to produce essential nutrients like B-vitamins and enzymes. Probiotic flora can control levels of hormones that trigger cell proliferation (cancer) by converting complex or “bad” estrogen molecules to lifesaving cancer fighters called 2-hydroxyestradiol and 2-methoxyestradiol. They aid the digestive process in many ways and facilitate daily bowel eliminations. A healthy happy bowel is the key to your immune system and microbes like Candida are a part of this process.
So why blame Candida?
When this yeast multiplies and goes awry, it is merely a symptom that your immune system has a problem. So obviously, there is too much yeast around and not enough lactic acid to keep them under control . Yeasts like Candida albicans excel at converting to a parasitic fungal form when they multiply in areas where undigested food lies around like fermenting sugar and refined starches.
The Candida fungus develops fibrous strands that dig into the mucous lining of the gut. They break through into the bloodstream or intracellular fluids and spread their mischief throughout the body. Soon other pathogens like Giardia and Garenerella Lambus start chewing through the protective mucous membranes and the leaky gut syndrome sets in. They don’t go away when you eat yoghurt and there is no point in killing the yeast because it has become a fungus which then converts into a mould species.
The moulds are deadly and breed rapidly. They excrete toxins that damage cells and DNA. They destroy chunks of liver tissue and breed wherever they can feed off metabolic waste. Oxygen levels within cells decrease and acidity rises out of control in the tissues. Dangerous moulds, like aflatoxins and aspergillus niger are also present in some of our foods: especially peanuts, blue cheese and whole grain foods.
Traces of mould toxins are commonly found in cancer patients, because they begin to suffer from advanced oxygen starvation (over 20%). This is how Candidiasis sets off such a dangerous if not lethal sequence in many of our common, nagging ailments. Candida; the innocent little yeast that morphs into a fungus and then a killer mould can make people fatigued, irritable, spaced out and suffer from constant inflammation, swelling, gas, bloating and other digestive disorders. There is no one-off pill for this cascade of events.
When a white furry growth appears on mucous membranes that coat the mouth or vagina we say “Eek Candida!” but how does this syndrome really affect us in dark and invisible places and how do we root it out for good? Today we know that stressing out, taking a lot of antibiotics, hormone treatments, contraceptives and other drugs weakens our natural immunity. The terrain is taken over by hostile opportunistic parasites and the friendly gut flora get out numbered and are unable to carry out their helpful duties such as killing germs, providing essential anti-oxidants and nutrients and seeing to healthy bowel habits.
Said another way: we then have a parasite problem. Remedies rich in Olive Leaf or Artemisia can clear up parasitic infestations. When we restore the gut environment and repopulate it with good workers and soldiers called probiotics we begin to see some improvement. To keep the infection at bay it is essential to improve diet and digestion and alkalise to restore cellular oxygen levels. The treatment can include Colloidal Silver remedies, taken as directed or by using Hydrogen Peroxide drops. Rife treatment or similarly generated electronic frequencies can destroy moulds, fungi and other parasites in inaccessible places but the guidance of a health professional is recommended.
1.) Take olive leaf tablets or tincture as directed. Or add 4-6 olive leaves to the juices you make in the blender.
Boost immunity with probiotics every day. Most effective is to eat 1 or 2 tablespoons of sauerkraut every day. Also drink at least ½ glass of fermented milk called “maas or amasi”. It can be included in your juice or smoothies. (Yoghurt often contains sugar, gelatine and suspect additives.)
Add vitamin C powder to salads, juices and other foods. It kills fungus and mould! Drink Vitamin C with water between meals instead of sweet fruit juices. The only agreeable sugar to use is xylitol or stevia.
2.) Eat simple unprocessed natural foods: salads, stir fried or steamed vegetables, millet, brown rice and leafy vegetables. Only eat organic animal products: eggs, fish, meat and fermented Maas. Only eat white cheeses like Feta or farmer’s organic cheese that do not contain any mould. Definitely cut out all bread, wheat products and gluten because they cause the most trouble with fermentation. Rather eat low-sugar fruit like grapefruit, lemons, sour apples, plums, pineapples, etc. Eat rice cakes and other gluten free products including pasta. Most health shops have a good selection available.
3.) 1 hour after a big meal you can take 1 teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda in a little water or mix it with the calcium and magnesium you take at bedtime to help alkalise.
4.) Improve stomach acid intensity with an HCL supplement plus betaine or pepsin before meals. Stimulate bile production by taking herbal bitters or some sauerkraut before lunch and dinner.
5.) Optional treatments: add a few drops of 20 volume Hydrogen peroxide to a glass or two of your daily drinking water. Use Rife treatment frequencies, SCIO, BEST frequency tinctures or a home device known as a zapper to constantly kill all forms of parasites and microbes.
Do not use normal soap or shower gel for washing. Use pH 3.5-4 balanced products. Add 1 teaspoon of white vinegar and a tablespoon of salt to a basin of water to rinse or douche. Salt kills yeast that grows in the mouth or on the skin. Try our Nature Fresh body washes and intimate cleansers. They are correcctly pH balanced.
Drink enough water and relax. Say goodbye to candidiasis.