Junior Toothpaste: Complaint about parabens and polysorbate causing cancer?
Q ) I have recently looked on the back of your toothpastes to find there are a bunch of unhealthy ingredients your aloe and propolis had parabens and I believe your children’s one too they say safe to swallow but if you research polysorbate 20 it’s a carcinogen which cause cancer my son has been using this for 4yrs swallowing cancer causing ingredients I don’t think it is ethical to call yourself natural or a natural product when you are using all these horrid ingredients! Please make your customers aware that they are using parabens and in bold do not swallow your products are not safe to swallow!!
A ) Thanks for sharing your concern about parabens with us. We have attached a few links to research about parabens to help reassure you that the methyl- and propyl- parabens used by the cosmetic industry are not nasty chemicals. To the contrary, they are the largest group of organic acids found in nature. Most come from food sources like mangoes and granadillas and they are identical in molecular structure to those found in our toothpaste.
Without them, the product may become infected with mould and other nasty pathogens. When looking for an alternative we tried a number of suggested “natural” preservatives. The result? We had to recall and dispose of over 1 ton of contaminated toothpaste! So because we include a lot of herbal extracts, we have to use these parabens.
I hope you understand. Many children “ate” the fluoride free toothpaste throughout their infancy and loved it. As a consequence they developed perfect teeth, like so many other young adults who have become Nature Fresh fans.
Parabens are in a lot of natural foods
2 ) Polysorbate 20. These clinical trials document the results from testing different forms and concentrations of polysorbate.
/OTHER TOXICITY INFORMATION/ Complaint experience data are available on three product formulations containing Polysorbate 20. A shampoo containing 8.4 percent Polysorbate 20 had two safety-related complaints in 3 years with an estimated 5.88 million uses. A cuticle softener containing 2.0 percent Polysorbate 20 had 24 complaints in 4 years with 131 million uses. A paste mask containing 2.0 percent Polysorbate 20 had 11 complaints in 4 years with 12.7 million uses. These complaints were listed in the category “allergy/irritation.”
[Cosmetic Ingredient Expert Review Panel; Final Report on the Safety Assessment of Polysorbate 20, 21, 40, 60, 61, 65, 80, 81, and 85; Journal of the American College of Toxicology 3 (5): 1-82 (1984).] **PEER REVIEWED**
I can’t find any reference about polysorbate causing cancer in any of them, including the report from a highly respected source: HSDB A TOXNET DATABASE Hazardous Substances Data Bank (HSDB) These challenge tests are done with a few grams of the chemical as opposed to the minute amount one would find in a blob of toothpaste. Even the skin challenge tests did not cause cancer. The only – very rare complaint seems to be that of mild skin irritation or an allergy.
So far, nobody has reported being allergic to any of our products. Even our plants and pets love them!