Kidney and urinary problems
How do these conditions come about
CAUSE 1: A bacterial infection in the bladder. Happens usually when the urine becomes acidic, from a bad diet, high sugar levels, not alkalizing the system frequently, weakened immunity and dehydration. You feel pain and burning when urinating.
Cranberry juice has become popular as the sugar it contains prevents bacteria from sticking to the bladder lining. It is available at the supermarket and you need to drink 1 – 2 glasses a day. We find that Eugenia berries are excellent, if you have them growing nearby and they are in season.
To eliminate the infection, antibiotics can be used, but they have adverse effects, especially when used too frequently. Rather find out why you are prone to infection. Nature Fresh parasite remedy or olive leaf tablets/tincture will help eliminate a bacterial infection. Drink enough water during the treatment.
CAUSE 2: Hormonal upsets and especially contraceptives that deplete vitamin B 6 .Strange, but true: the urine becomes too acidic or sometimes too alkaline and yeast, fungal or bacterial infections can invade. See also the advice on intimate hygiene at: for help with skin lesions and irritations once the urine is sorted out.
CAUSE 3: FORMATION OF KIDNEY STONES. The onset of kidney stones is often mistaken for lower backache. Just raise your fists behind you, below the ribs and push into the back area on either side of the spine to check for sensitivity. Stones form when the urine is too high in oxalates and phosphates (too acidic) Oxalic acid occurs naturally in foods like spinach, rhubarb and sorrel. Providing your intake of calcium and magnesium is adequate, they should not cause calcium oxalate stones.
Foods rich in phosphorus are more of a problem: a hamburger and a Coke, for instance as well as most junk foods rich in sugar, white flour and fried in oil will release a lot of phosphoric acid into the system. It is filtered out into the blood, where it reaches the kidneys. Calcium is removed from the skeleton to neutralize the acid. This attaches to the acid and forms the stones.
These stones never contain calcium from a calcium and magnesium supplement, by the way and this is a fact. So there is no danger in alkalizing the system with Nature Fresh Calcium complex at night! The magnesium it contains helps to prevent kidney stones whilst the extra calcium supplementation prevents the removal of calcium from the bones. Kidney stones are one of the first indicators of osteoporosis and osteoarthritis, as the loss of calcium gets worse and worse as the stones begin to enlarge.
It makes sense to change the diet from one of modern convenience foods that are high in phosphorus to natural fruit and vegetables and whole grains that suit your blood type. As such, these foods are alkalizing to the body. (Brown rice and millet suit all blood types. Wheat is only suitable for a few people such as the A- and AB- secretors.)
A quick urinary alkalizer to use in emergencies: is sodium citrate (or the commercial form: citro soda) It is also wise to drink a glass of water every two hours if the kidneys give you hell.
Helpful Nature Fresh remedies for kidney stones and urinary infections
1 Nature Fresh Parasite Remedy for acute conditions Take 10ml 2x per day in a little water before meals for 2 or 3 days if there is a flare up.
2 Nature fresh Olive Leaf tablets for long term control Take 2 olive leaf tablets mornings and afternoons. Do not take with Calcium.
3 Nature Fresh Calcium complex for long term acid balancing Take a teaspoon of the powder in a little water at bedtime every night.
4 Nature Fresh Coleus tincture Coleus tincture helps with a bigger picture that leads to the cause of urinary upsets and bladder problems: especially if poor insulin metabolism is causing too much sugar to enter the urine. Diabetics have these problems. The bottom line is: do not eat so much sugar and refined carbohydrates in the first place.
Coleus (Forskolin) helps to help treat: hypertension, mild congestive heart failure, asthma, eczema and psoriasis, digestive weakness and IBS, persistent urinary infections, is anti-inflammatory, anti-histamine and soothing to the nervous system. It is vital to communication between hormones and neurotransmitters to treat symptoms of low oestrogen or testosterone, dopamine and catecholamine activity.
Coleus is effective for weight loss and fat burning with prevention of subsequent fat storage. Also aids digestion and stimulates thyroid function to speed up metabolism. Helps release stored glycogen from the liver to balance low blood sugar. Aids in sugar metabolism for treatment of insulin resistance – syndrome X (diabetes 2,) PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) and obesity. Forskolin has been shown to be safe and effective and has a great potential as a sports supplement.
4 Nature Fresh Prostate Remedy.
For men: Nature Fresh prostate remedy contains a good herbal formulation for: urinary flushing, anti-inflammatory action and has a natural painkiller. It is especially good for clearing out the bladder before bedtime, to prevent frequent and not so productive trips to the toilet. It contains a little saw palmetto herb, good for balancing male hormones, We have helped to up multiple urinary and prostate complications with this remedy as well.
For bed wetters: Some doctors prescribe the prostate remedy to children who can’t control their bladder when they sleep. (enuresis) Giving the remedy a few hours before they go to bed ensures that the bladder fully empties before the long night. It helps to ease the tension the child may feel about holding in the urine and panicking. Also give Calcium Comlex to help with relaxation, rest and sleep.
5 Nature Fresh Tribulus Terrestris tincture is also helpful for urinary problems, especially for men. But women using it also have many benefits, as you can see.
Other benefits:Tribulus is a non-irritant diuretic and urinary antiseptic. It is used in case of dysurea, urinary stone and incontinence of urine. (Calcium, magnesium and vitamin B6 supplements prevent kidney stones.)Tribulus Terrestris is used in various herbal formulas to treat headaches, eye problems such as itching, conjunctivitis and weak vision, and nervousness. It is often traditionally used to treat high blood pressure and rib pain.
The hormone balancing effects of Tribulus Terrestris for women makes this herb suitable for the premenstrual syndrome and for treating menopausal symptoms of low estrogen. Tribulus contains Sterols like betasitosterols or stigma. These substances protect the prostate from swelling and in combination with the X steroidal saponins, protect the prostate from cancer.
Tribulus is used in case of impotence and spermaturia as it helps to increase the level of the luteinizing hormone in the body and improves the synthesis of the testicular male sex hormone. Traditionally the use of Tribulus is found to be effective in cases of gout. It is good for men and women to increase their sex drive as it has an aphrodisiac effect.
Other Kidney and bladder remedies:
1 Kidney stones: RENOTONE TABLETS made by TIBB. These can be ordered from your pharmacy or health shop. The company Tibb makes Aurvedic herbal tablets for just about everything. They are excellent and not expensive. Many of my doctor friends have had their patients cleared of kidney stones – without invasive laser or surgery treatment, so save your self a lot of pain!
2 Vtamin B6 supplements prevent kidney stones if combined with magnesium. Nature fresh Calcium complex contains calcium, magnesium and vitamin B6 (but you need to take extra 100mg per day).
For treatment: Take extra Vitamin B6 tablets: 50mg, 2x per day. Take a dose of 5ml of Calcium Complex in the evenings.
3 Burning urine Acute: To stop the sharp stinging and burning pain, the Homeopathic remedies: CANTHARIS and/or BERBERIS drops (kidney and bladder rermedy) can be used and people report they give much relief. Made by Pharma Natura or Weleda, from chemists and health shops.
Taken in water they relieve the burn and help a lot with cystitis. It is also a natural anti-histamine and good for all allergies and inflammation. When added to the drinking water of cats and dogs – they stop having a flea problem. No more biting, itching and scratching or open sores. Isn’t that telling us something!
4 D-Mannose treatment. People who take this product say it helps a lot. D-mannose is a natural sugar and can be bought from the health shop. It inhibits the adhesion of bacteria onto the wall of the bladder. Take as directed. It is good for both treatment and prevention of bladder and urinary infections. But first get rid of the bacteria and you won’t have any adhesion on the bladder wall.
3 The best herbs in your kitchen to cleanse kidneys are: 2 cups of chopped parsley and celery. Add fresh dandelion leaves if you can pick from the garden or a field nearby. Add a chopped apple or ¼ cucumber to the blender. In summer, eat watermelon or add the white bits and scraps to your juice. Take kidney cleansing herbs or fruits for 3 or 4 days prior to doing the liver and gallbladder flush. At the same time, take Nature Fresh Parasite remedy first thing in the morning when you wake up and then have a glass of water.
How to make your own fresh juice every day.
Make your morning juice as usual every day: 1 cup water with 2 cups of chopped herbs/fruit and vegetable combinations. This is processed in the electric blender jug. Then sieve it through a cloth, placed on a sieve. Drain and squeeze the residue through the cloth. This is enough for 2 or 3 people.