Sue Visser’s interview on Otherwise on SAFM by Shado Twala on 29th December 2016
High blood pressure, osteopenia, sugar diabetes, cramps, cholesterol and constipation, are the typical complaints.
These complaints all relate to a magnesium deficiency. I have studied the role of calcium and magnesium for over 20 years and they say 80% of us are magnesium deficient!
Instead of addressing the initial problem, we are given medications to exacerbate the deficiency. Taking magnesium at the correct dosage (often very high initially) can make a big difference to the way you look and feel. Supplements used in this way by practitioners of orthomolecular medicine outperform most drugs and have very few – if any side effects.
Is this your magnesium profile?
The first thing to go wrong is with insulin levels, as magnesium is needed to process the glucose. So instead, you get a type 2 diabetic med to pull down the blood sugar, not so?
Then they measure cholesterol and claim that you need another drug to reduce the levels – to protect your heart, they say. No – and there is plenty of evidence about cholesterol not being the bad boy. I discuss this at length in my new book.
Thirdly they check the blood pressure – oops, another magnesium deficiency which also gets a drug to “control” it. But there are a number of contraindications and side effects.
The bones also suffer and weaken as more calcium and magnesium is leeched from them and the medications make one even more acidic. The stomach acid becomes too weak to process these minerals from our food and when the pH rises (becomes too wishy washy). The stomach acid cannot break down protein and other food we eat. So more and more acid is released and we feel it creeping up our oesophagus. We call it heart burn and take antacids. This makes it worse.
We get cramps in our muscles, restless legs and menstrual cramps become unbearable.
As for constipation, anybody knows that taking Epsom salts produces a very quick and efficient bowel movement in emergencies. (We do this when we flush out the gallbladder). Another deficiency also causes constipation: Vitamin C. (We can discuss this at a later stage.)
It is advisable to first correct the magnesium deficiency.
Our Nature Fresh Calcium Complex Powder or Tablets can help:
Please note the disclaimer: I am not your doctor and it is not wise to immediately stop all medications. We provide a weaning schedule that doctors (the ones with patience, who are skilled in integrative medicine) can use. Dr James Liddell wrote the book: The Holistic guide to a Healthy Happy Heart with me and gives some sound advice about the procedure in a chapter dedicated to supplementation. He provides online consultations:
1 There is also an extensive data base you can use – our website and the SEARCH box will take you around all the topics you need to look up. We also provide Q & A material, based on enquiries. The content only, is shared and nobody is ever exposed or identified. You will find this useful – plus you can also contribute by asking relevant questions.
2 We have decided to post out the two books personally to the public so that they can have specially signed copies.
I wrote these as home helpers so people can have a sound reference base and understand how things work. I do my best as an agony aunt with free online advice and radio interviews, but the books contain the blood type guides and health protocols you need in front of you. Plus – they are a good, entertaining read. Nothing like the smell of real ink and paper in a Wi-Fi world that is driving us nuts!
Take a look and pass the info on. Regards, Sue
Scroll down on our home page to see info plus sample pages:
Here are links to articles I write on the internet (by me – Yindee) These ones tell us more about magnesium
Links to articles and references about magnesium