Megaslim pack size: 60 herbal veggicaps (1 month) Dosage: take first capsule before the breakfast as suggested in the natural diet plan. Take the second capsule before the lunch or afternoon snack as advised by the diet.
1x 700 mg capsule contains:
200 mg Coleus Forskohlii
200 mg Milk thistle
100 mg Cinnamon extract
100 mg Glycine
50 mg Nettle
15 mg elemental Zinc AAC
200 mcg GTF chrome 2%
50 mg Liquorice root
Included in the container: a natural diet plan.
MEGASLIM diet supplement addresses the hormonal causes of uncontrollable weight gain and obesity. It is for diet-resistant individuals who suffer from syndrome X, caused by insulin resistance, low thyroid conditions, excess cortisone or steroids and reproductive hormonal imbalances caused by birth control pills or PCOS (polycystic ovaries). MEGASLIM is a mega-fat blaster because it has thermogenic properties that work together with a magic ingredient called forskolin. However, it is not a nerve stimulant and does not cause insomnia, anxiety, depression or other adverse side effects. MEGASLIM nutrients help to improve insulin sensitivity, detoxify the liver and balance blood sugar. Oestrogen receptors in fatty tissue are deactivated with herbal compounds and the fat gets used as fuel instead. Digestion is improved with better absorption. The thyroid is stimulated to release more energy and the adrenals are given supportive treatment. Estrogen is expelled from the liver and prevented from interfering with fat cells. MEGASLIM is also a supplement that is helpful to relieve overweight sufferers of: asthma, high blood pressure, water retention, high cholesterol, platelet aggregation, psoriasis, diabetes, weakened immunity, stress and irritability, menstrual problems, menopausal difficulty and recurrent urinary tract infections.
When restricted food intake and dedicated exercise can no longer control the waistline then the micronutrients contained in MEGASLIM combined with diet help to correct the hormonal factors that are linked to weight gain:
1 Syndrome X as identified by: insulin resistance (leading to diabetes type 2), high blood pressure, high LDL cholesterol / low HDL cholesterol and enlarging waistlines. (Females more than 63.5 cm and males over 100 cm).
2 Estrogenic overload as identified by: increased gain in fatty tissue around the hips, thighs and breasts.
3 Chrome deficiencies cause blood sugar imbalances and affect insulin function. Mood swings and depression, confusion, hypoglycaemia, constant sugar cravings, allergies and eventually type 2 diabetes are the result.
4 Impaired thyroid functions whereby the metabolism slows down: depression, constipation, dry skin, fatigue.
5 Toxic liver: poor digestion, malabsorption, lack of enzymes. (Estrogen and other hormones can’t be eliminated).
6 Cortisol overload: stress, starvation and low blood sugar cause extended periods of cortisol activity: too much for too long. Eventually the adrenals can no longer cope and both insulin and cortisol malfunction or become depleted.
7 Abuse of anabolic steroid hormones such as: birth control, HRT and body building products. These are all fattening!
8 Extreme zinc deficiencies: testosterone then converts (aromatizes) to estrogen; especially in men who take sexual enhancers or steroids. Oestrogen pumps fat into fat cells under the skin, where it causes them to enlarge. It also diminishes thyroid activity and insulin sensitivity.
MEGASLIM works in conjunction with a natural eating plan that is included in the container. This revolutionary weight loss and vitality system makes a big difference to getting rapid, yet permanent results. Kilojoule restriction is not the only answer to weight loss. Many extensive studies now show that foods that control insulin reactions and eating to suit your blood type make a profound impact on achieving and maintaining a slim, healthy physique. The MEGASLIM diet plan links to the website: where further support can be given free of charge to suit individual needs. Therapists who can assist with private consultations and are familiar with MEGASLIM are listed. All clients should first do a parasite cleanse with a liver and gallbladder detox prior to taking MEGASLIM. This process takes 3-4 days and helps to prepare you to make the new style of eating and the supplementation more effective.
The big clean out: getting rid of parasites. Cleansing the liver and gallbladder. Alleviating constipation.
Eating 3 balanced meals and snacks in between. Never go hungry: Learn how to raise your own levels of the hormone leptin to control appetite and produce a full and satisfied feeling without drugs and stimulants.
The unlimited zone: foods that can be freely eaten anytime. They suit all blood types and are high in nutrients, low in kilojoules. Can be used to fill up the plate as well as snacks and nibbles.
The compulsory zone: staple foods, especially the protein servings must be taken every few hours, with limited carbohydrates. These are low GI and blood type compatible.
The danger zone – general. The boring junk foods, once more and we all know them. But health foods that clash with blood types are included as they turn out to be grossly fattening and impair your fitness and general health.
Further supplementation you can include. As an individual, more supplements can be taken, especially if they can be used to replace medications. It is best to consult with a well-informed doctor when prescriptions are to be axed.
Exercise to suit. Yes, off the couch and when done properly, exercise makes you feel and look really good.
Most important: enjoy your new MEGASLIM body and lifestyle as you lap up the compliments!
COLEUS FORSKOHLII (200mg per capsule)
Most important activity: weight loss and fat burning with prevention of subsequent fat storage. It also stimulates thyroid function and secretion of hormones to speed up metabolism. Helps release stored glycogen from the liver to balance low blood sugar. Aids sugar metabolism for treatment of syndrome X (diabetes 2,) PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) and obesity. It contains forskolin that activates cyclic AMP to help treat: hypertension, mild congestive heart failure, asthma, psoriasis, digestive weakness, persistent urinary infections. It is anti-inflammatory, anti-histamine and soothing to the nervous system. It assists with low thyroid conditions. (Conditions often present in the obese.)
Coleus has many fat loss mechanisms: Forskolin in Coleus stimulates signaling agents within adipose tissue, leading to the breakdown of triglycerides and the subsequent release of fatty acids and glycerol into the bloodstream. During endurance exercise, these fatty acids are extracted from the bloodstream and burned as a fuel to provide ATP energy to the exercising muscle. In turn, fat cells shrink in size, helping overweight patients reduce their body fat more efficiently. Many of these people have a resistance to burning fat caused by higher serum insulin levels and insulin resistance (syndrome X), which tends to lock fatty acids and triglycerides in fat cells, reducing the fat-burning ability. Coleus stimulates digestive enzymes: improving digestion and food assimilation and increases nutrient absorption in the small intestine. It increases thyroid hormone production as well as stimulates thyroid hormone release. Increasing the thyroid activity (comparable in strength to thyrotropin or TSH2) results in an increase in metabolism. An increase in cyclic AMP leads to subsequent activation of protein kinase that activates the hormone sensitive lipase which is involved in the breakdown of triglycerides, known as building blocks of fatty tissue. This is a thermogenic effect. It also helps release stored glycogen from the liver to balance low blood sugar. Insulin is important for carbohydrate metabolism but it is also involved in the metabolism of fats and proteins in controlling weight.
Additional Coleus supplementation can be taken with MEGASLIM: Use Nature Fresh Coleus tincture.(See notes)
MILK THISTLE contains SILYMARIN (200mg per capsule)
Liver congestion impairs the breakdown of excess hormones like oestrogen and the excretion of cancer forming components. After the recommended liver and gallbladder cleanse, the liver needs to function perfectly in order to manufacture critical micronutrients and excrete toxins. It also needs to release enzymes and bile for digestion. Silymarin in Milk thistle is excellent for liver restoration and it also has remarkable antioxidant properties.
CINNAMON (100mg per capsule)
A lot of research supports the insulin-like activity of common cinnamon to lower blood sugar when eating carbohydrates. Especially in the case of insulin resistance, cinnamon is now used to mobilise blood sugar.
Additional cinnamon from the spice rack can be added to each meal to help diabetics lower blood sugar naturally. They should note that ¼ teaspoon a time can challenge/replace medications in some cases of type 2 diabetes.
GLYCINE (50mg per capsule)
This amino acid helps to release stored glucose (glycogen) from the liver to normalise low blood sugar when needed, especially when it drops due to reactive insulin sensitivity. This alleviates the need for a quick sugar fix that is counterproductive in the long-term.
The mild estrogenic effect of nettles helps to block off oestrogen receptors in fat, breast and prostate cells. It also aids in excreting harmful estrogenic metabolites via the liver.
ZINC Amino acid chelate. (15 mg of elemental zinc per capsule).
Adequate zinc prevents testosterone from converting (aromatizing) into Estrogen. When men take anabolic steroids, they often gain too much weight in the wrong places, due to increased oestrogen – especially the breasts and buttocks. Zinc is important for the forming of insulin and to improve taste sensations. Zinc deficiency impairs sweetness sensitivity. (People who add more sugar to tea and coffee can no longer tell how sweet it is.)
GTF CHROME (200 mcg of actives per capsule)
This is the safest and most reliable form of chrome to help balance blood sugar, reduce sugar cravings and improve muscle tone. It helps to reduce fatty tissue and build up muscle tissue and improve the body shape and tone.
Liquorice is very important to balance electrolytes in slimmers. They are encouraged to drink a lot of water and when done in excess, they feel weak and tired due to aldosterone (sodium balanced to potassium) deficiencies. Liquorice helps to improve cortisol function and raise blood sugar during the fight and flight reaction during stress. It regulates blood pressure in times of stress and fatigue or intensive exercise when sodium is needed to prevent dehydration. In amounts of less than a few grams a day, liquorice will. The blood pressure regulating effects of forskolin from the Coleus contained in MEGASLIM means liquorice cannot aggravate high blood pressure in this formulation.