The largest sex organ in the body is the brain because it controls the release of our sex hormones. Having sex with your beloved in the correct context will release a flood of hormones associated with relaxation, well-being and peace into your body.
Regular sex is a good substitute for tranquilizers and mood enhancing drugs. Believe it or not, it is also a natural antidepressant, so throw away all those drugs you take. One of their worst side effects is the destruction of your libido. Get it? You take pills and their side effects may be blocking out your natural, passionate desire for your spouse. Especially drugs like Prozac. Also to blame are: a lack of nutrients, eating badly and taking on too much stress. But the greatest culprit is your attitude to sex and the misunderstanding of why we have sex.
In order to really benefit from the mood enhancing effects of sex, you have to make love all day: with your eyes, your mind, those special thoughts, the romantic winks, the daydreaming, the special meals, candles, bubble baths, the gifts, the private provocations, the teasing, the fun, the laughter. Picking a little flower. Remembering your first date. All the special things. Even after 50 years of marriage, even if you are paralysed from the waist down! If you drag your problems into bed with you and roll over for a quick fix, forget it. Read this again! If you are scanning these pages to find the latest pill to make you horny, to make your spouse fall at your feet in a flurry or passion, forget it.
Sex comes as the reward for working long and hard at a relationship, regardless of the problems. It is about unconditional love and understanding and commitment. Then your sex life will improve. It’s about a relationship, about communication and not about little horny hi-rise pills. If you have a problem in that area, the defect is usually a symptom of a degenerative disease: diabetes, high (and low) blood pressure, fatigue or malnutrition. These radio talks and community workshops have been provided as a service to you, to help you to help yourself to health and that includes your sexual health. We provide a very cheap, safe little pill. It’s called: The discipline pill.
Strenuous exercise, excitement, aggression, fear and shock make us release adrenaline.This hormone from the inner tissue of the adrenal gland is always released with little messengers called endorphins. Endorphins help to control pain and they have a mood enhancing effect. People become addicted to activities that release endorphins because they have the same chemical structure as opiate drugs like morphine. Have you ever wondered why you feel so good after a hectic Gym workout or a few rounds of Kumite at the Dojo?
Laughter also releases a generous supply of endorphins. Hormones and neurotransmitters are made by the body out of nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and amino acids. We release them in response to stimuli that reach the brain and in this way we dispense our own medicines to ourselves. From painkillers, mood enhancers and brain activators to sleeping potions and sex stimulants, the body is the ultimate medicine chest.
Laughter therapy can be used as a means of pain control. Healthy guffaws and roars of laughter give the diaphragm a vigorous workout and this releases the body’s own painkillers and antidepressants. If you take yourself too seriously you will always be miserable and vulnerable to pain. Making yourself and others laugh releases a lot of tension in your day. Try to develop a healthy sense of humour, read and tell jokes and watch comedy films and you will be investing in: “Laughter, the best medicine.
Crying is associated with weepy females, but they will always admit to feeling better after crying. How about males? Often we see famous sports stars shed a volley of tears as they win the grand trophy. Children will burst into tears, whether they win or lose the fight. This is a release of pent up tension after months of training and stress in preparing for a big event. Hormones such as estrogen, prolactin, dopamine and many other prostaglandins play havoc with our dispositions. High levels of these substances can have a damaging effect on us if they are not released in some way.
Men usually abstain from crying with a stiff upper lip and many a gastric ulcer or illness is caused by this form of pent up stress. Females have 60% more prolactin to release, especially when they are premenstrual, so they need to burst into tears more often. Sometimes the reason for crying may be idiotic at the time, but there is no medication that can make you feel as wonderful as you do when you get rid of all that stress and frustration. Having someone to blame at the time (even if it is your husband or boss) is part of the gratification, especially if a box of chocolates arrives the next day!
We crave sweet things when levels of the hormone: serotonin are low. Take Vitamin B3 or Niacin plus magnesium for a short cut to making more serotonin. Meditation, deep breathing and relaxation techniques will also help.
They say that sportsmen should not indulge in sexual activities prior to a big match or contest, or so some experts insist. This means that many Martial artists, Boxers, Rugby and Football players and other sports stars often have to abstain from their favourite pastime. It is said that sexual energy should be built up and channelled into competitive sports for the leading edge. The effects of all that stored up testosterone can be devastatingly powerful. You feel so good after sex because you get rid of tension and release a flood of those “feel good” hormones that make you feel mellow and relaxed. You also ease out of your testosterone and dopamine dependent drive to dominate, conquer and oppose.
The herb Guarana will boost levels of dopamine and large doses of Vitamin C and Vitamin B3 will reverse the adverse effects of dopamine. Herbal remedies for increasing sexual potency are popular and Viagra has been challenged by many natural, safer and cheaper alternatives.